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Apostille Process After Foreign Civil Marriage in Turkey

How to Make Apostille – Civil Marriage Process in Turkey


For What Documents Is Apostille Certification Made?

In the case of marriage of foreign citizens in Turkey,

the birth certificate and certificate of absence of marriage record must be certified by apostille before the marriage documents will be issued.Otherwise, even if the files are translated into Turkish, notaries in Turkey will not do notarization due to the fact that the document is not Apostille, so the marriage officer does not have the authority to conclude your marriage because your marriage documents are not notarized.

In addition, apostille certifies; documents of education (University, high school diplomas, etc.), documents indicating marital status, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decisions, driver's license, administrative documents, notarial certificates, powers of attorney, consent, etc

Civil marriage in Turkey AntalyaWhere Apostille Is Made?

Apostille approval is required for all formal documents that can be used abroad. For example, when entering foreign institutions for work or training, the diploma must be sent by a notarized translation bureau with a certified translation and an apostille confirming the validity of this document.

Apostille Of International Standard

A document that guarantees that a document obtained from a notary will be legally approved in another country is called an apostille. This process, also called apostille commentary, was associated with a certain contingent of The Hague agreement signed on 5 October 196. Countries that have signed The Hague Agreement must obtain an apostille in order for the documents in their country to be valid.

Apostille together with the language of the country can also be drawn up in English or French. Turkey is among the countries that have signed The Hague agreement in the Republic of the decree. Thus, Turkish citizens must also obtain apostille approval to ensure that their documents are valid outside the country. The apostille is prepared by sworn translators. The prepared apostille must also be approved by the Embassy of the country where it is sent, after confirmation of the relevant institutions.

Fee For Apostille.

British Civil Marriage AntalyaOnce the Apostille document is notarized, it is certified only in the Prefecture where the notary is located. After a notarized translation, the apostille, sealed by the prefect, is then sent to the Consulate of the country of destination. For the apostille process, whose method of preparation and content are the same in all countries, the prefects do not charge any fees. However, translation agencies charge different amounts for notary procedures. It is also worth noting that many translation agencies charge an additional fee for translation of documents.

What Is Contained In The Apostille Commentary.

People who receive an apostille comment should pay attention to the fact that the document is not incomplete. The most important aspect to consider is that an error or absence in the apostille can invalidate the document. So you have to be careful. Apostille review includes the name of the person signing the document, the name of the country issuing the document, to which body belongs to printing, printed on the document, place of issuance, number of the Apostille, the regulatory body, authorized signature, seal or stamp of the authority, regulatory authority.

Where To Get An Apostille In Turkey

In order to make an apostille certification in Turkey, you need to contact the prefectures, Directorate of Legal Affairs, prefectures.


When we talk about the wedding rush, the excitement of the honeymoon, we usually either forget or postpone the process after marriage. We suggest you find out what documents newly married couples need to change and take the necessary measures before it's too late. Changing identity cards, passports, addresses are just some of them. Don't think of procrastinating by saying, ”Oh, I'll do it later"!

British Civil Marriage in Antalya Turkey1-Update ID Card

Before the new chip card was introduced, spouses had to update their ID cards due to a change in marital status. However, since there is no "marital status" in the new certificates, the need for an urgent change of identity when a man marries has disappeared. But wives have to update their ID because of the name change. So what are the steps that women should follow to change identity after marriage, let's take a look in turn:

What Documents Are Required To Change The Identity Card After Marriage?

The documents you must have with you when applying for an ID are as follows:

  • Identity card or ID card, international family passport, passport, driver's license or document replacing the identity card.
  • One biometric photo.

Where Is The Renewal Of The Certificate After Marriage?

The application for an identity card is carried out within the country, through the website of the General Directorate for Population And Citizenship or through The Alo 199 call centre on appointment or without appointment from the district offices of the population, and abroad from foreign missions. Here's how you can do a personality update after you get married.

Wedding on the beach in AntalyaHow Long Does It Take To Change Your ID After You Get Married?

You may hear some rumours from your entourage that after you get married, you have a personality renewal period. But let's just say that this practice is outdated. In the new identification legislation, there is no requirement to renew the identity within a certain period of time after marriage. But because of the name change, you should perform the update without delaying too far so that you don't have a problem with any official transaction.

Is There A Penalty For Not Changing My ID After The Wedding?

Among the questions most often asked by newlyweds: "If the penalty for a late change of identity card?". There is no such practice as a penalty for a not timely change of identity card after marriage because there is no fixed term for extension after the wedding.

How To Change Your Name After Marriage?

The bride receives the name of her spouse in the absence of a request and application from her. Brides who wish to use their last name must declare this by filling out the last name application which they will receive from the registration service at the time of application.

If you want to use a pre-marriage surname, also known as a maiden name after marriage, with your spouse's surname, in this case, you will need to declare your request by filling out a petition at the time of filing a new ID.

You can also fill out a petition to use only your maiden name after you are married, you can continue to use your own surname. Until 30 September 2015, a married woman could only use her surname without using her spouse's surname if she applied to the constitutional court. But a decision by the Supreme court on that date opened the way for a married woman to use only her maiden name. With the petition you filed for this, you can use your maiden name by suing the family courts.

wedding ceremony in Antalya Turkey2-Renewal The Passport Due To Marriage

This applies to the renewal of the passport after the wedding. The question of whether the passport will change upon marriage is also one of the issues that couples are most interested in. Since a passport is also considered an identity card in the 403 citizenship act, their passport must carry the same information as the current passport. Therefore, passports must be updated if any of the credentials contained in the passports have changed.

What Documents Are Needed To Change Your Passport After The Wedding?

If you have a plan to travel abroad after you are married, it is important that your credentials, the name on the ticket and the credentials on the passport match. Thus, in case of changes in the information contained in the passport, the passport must be updated.

If you are going to apply for a new passport after the wedding, it is enough to have a new identity card or temporary identity card, which you can get from the office of population affairs, as well as the necessary documents.

Where Is The Change Of Passport Due To Marriage?

According to the decree, which was adopted on April 2, 2018, passport operations are now performed in the offices that are connected to the police offices.

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