0111-LL-LİMAK LİMRA - 50 pax
Wedding Ceremony at sunset in the hotel's green area
0037 - MR Moonlight Restaurant - 50 pax
106-SR- Shakespeare Restaurant 100 Pax
0111-CB-Coppa Beach Clup– 50 Pax
0104-SF-Selectum Famıly Resort Hotel - 100 pax
0111- AK - Asteria Kremlin Palace Hotel - 50 PAX
0107 - JHR - JACARANDA HOTEL - 50 Pax
0104–GS–Gloria Serenity- 50 PAX
0010- RST - Gloria Serenity - 100 Pax
Wedding ceremony at sunset on the river platform
001-ADX-Adonis Hotel-200 Pax
0111-FRX–Fener Restaurant 100 Pax
0111-NR- NAR Beach Restaurant -50 Pax
0111-M- MIracle Hotel - 50 pax
0070-A- Club Arma Restaurant -100 PAX
0104– RA- Ruin Adalia Hotel- 100 Pax
0111- L- Limak Lara Hotel Wedding Package- 50 Pax
001-GR - Granada Luxury Hotel - 300 pax
0106-SHIP INN Restaurant 100 Pax
0104-LL-Limak Limra Hotel - 100 PAX
0060-L-Limak Lara Hotel–30 PAX
0111- S- Sueno Hotels Deluxe Belek 50 Pax
0104-TS –THE SENSE DE LUXE Hotel - 50 pax
0043-K-Kemer Canyon Park- 50 pax
0031-B -Civil Marriage In Antalya - 2-Pax
0060-RGX-Rustic-Granada Luxury Belek Hotel-30 PAX
007-NB-Marriage Proposal –NAR BEACH–2-pax
0060-GR – GRANADA LUXURY Belek Hotel – 30 pax
0098- Regnum Carya Wedding Hotel- 50 Pax
0060-XA–Xanthe Side Hotel 30 pax
0047 – Seraser Restaurant- 40 PAX