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How to be Fit on the Wedding Day

Best Ideas for Being Fit at the Wedding – Antalya Wedding Blog

How To Get In Shape Before Wedding

The couples who made the decision to marry want everything to be perfect and flawlessly at their wedding day, and make great efforts to look beautiful and taut.Because at the wedding all attention will be on the bride and groom.

Trying to get in shape is the most frequent tendency for newlyweds
Regarding the specialists’ opinion, the secret of flawless look lies in the wellness and health of a person. They say: “Person who feels himself healthy is always more happy, beautiful and vigorous”. They also note that being desired weight and good shape make the person happy.
While the couple is going through an already difficult pre-wedding period, in addition to this some of them also face problems of being overweight. But nutritionist experts make us happy by saying: “Actually, to lose the weight and fit are not so difficult and boring process as we think”. If you have the intention to lose the weight before your wedding, to make recommendations of a nutritionist is strictly recommended. It’s because the experts consider that by following an individual diet program will help you to lose your weight by the healthy and right way. Nutritionists’ professional recommendations to those who want to lose the weight before the wedding:

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Have breakfast
A day which started with breakfast will be more productive and vigorous. The regular breakfasts will make the wedding preparation more pleasant. Let's also not forget the breakfast effect on weight loss. Keep in mind that those who start their day without breakfast have a greater risk of fat accumulation. A breakfast with whole wheat bread, medium-fat feta cheese, low-fat eggs, walnuts, and raw vegetables will wake up your metabolism after falling asleep at night and make you feel good all day.

Go to wedding shopping and other destinations on foot; don't sit in one place:
Try to get to your wedding shopping destination on foot or by public transport, rather than by car if possible. 45 minutes a day-1 hour of walking is very effective for weight loss. Regular walks are effective in controlling weight, as well as releasing the happiness hormone and making a person feel good.

Do not neglect meals:
Frequent food stabilizes blood sugar levels, which helps to increase the rate of metabolism. Thousands of scientific studies have confirmed this result. Your metabolism should work like a machine, and you should compensate for nutrition for weight loss. Preparing for a wedding is a very complex process and requires a lot of time and energy. When you are faced with the hassle of organizing a wedding, trying on the groom's suit/wedding dress, choosing the wedding venue, menu, inviting guests, setting the wedding venue, you will forget to eat out of the fuss. Absolutely avoid this! I suggest you; be sure to keep one fresh fruit or dried fruit in your bag; a few slices of almonds. As for drinks, you can choose coffee with milk (real milk) or kefir, of course, water is nearby. Regular meals will also allow you to stay calmer and reasonable while shopping. Remember, most people get nervous when their blood sugar drops; they become aggressive or angry.Best Wedding Planner in Antalya Turkey

Set aside tea and coffee on your wedding day, and don't forget to drink water:
The daily fluid requirement varies from person to person. For every 1 calorie consumed by the body of nutrients1.5 ml of water. A person needs liquid. This is an average of 2-3 litres in adults. On average, 60-70% of the daily fluid requirement should be consumed in the form of water. For example, you need 2.5 litres of liquid; at least 1.5 litres of this liquid requirement should be drunk as water. The need for water may increase due to fluid loss in the summer. Let's put aside tea and coffee; try to drink an average of 8-10 glasses of water a day. With you (in your bag, car, etc.). d.) be sure to keep a water bottle.

Do not consume these nutrients before the wedding if you have complaints of bloating:
A few days before the wedding, you should avoid consuming nutrients that cause gas and bloating. These are; vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, leeks, radishes, cucumbers; fruits such as plums, strawberries; dried legumes such as beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, beans, and bulgur. Products that increase gas complaints and bloating vary from person to person; my suggestion would be to identify foods that are bothering you/causing a gas complaint, and not consume these nutrients during that time.

If you have oedema, products that you should pay attention to before the wedding:
Before the wedding, reduce your intake of salt and salty foods (canned foods, pickled foods, salted foods, pickles, turnip juice, etc.). Reduce your intake as much as possible. You can reduce the risk of oedema that may occur by following a low-salt diet program. Since mineral water contains a large amount of sodium, which can lead to an increase in oedema, it should be consumed for a certain period before the wedding day.

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