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How to Choose Bride's Bouquet for the Wedding in Antalya

Bride Bouquets for Hotel Weddings in Turkey Antalya

An Interesting Origin Story Of The Wedding Bouquet

At the wedding, you can often hear: "it is a custom, so it is accepted.” But everything called "custom" actually has it's own unique, funny and sometimes even a very amazing story.

When I was preparing for my own wedding, I personally enjoyed reading these stories. From the Bridal veil, which all brides accept with pleasure, without thinking about its origin, to the bridesmaids, all traditions have their own special meaning, although symbolic, which makes the wedding even more mysterious ritual. That's why I decided to tell you about another popular wedding accessory, a wedding bouquet! Once you learn a little about the history of the wedding bouquet, you will reflect on its meaning, will choose your bouquet more carefully and love it much more!

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Those evil spirits!

I'll reveal you a secret; behind many of the traditions associated with the wedding, in fact, are evil spirits. For example, we need the bridesmaids, to deceive evil spirits, who do not understand which of these girls is a bride. Again, one of the legends about the veil covering the bride's face points to protection from evil spirits. These evil spirits are very serious about the work, in addition to veils and bridesmaids; they also played a role in the wedding bouquet. From plants such as prickly grass, spices and garlic, which come to mind first when talking about protection from evil spirits, was made wedding bouquets. Our ancestors believed that these bouquets do not bring evil spirits closer to the bride. By the same logic, on clothes of the Swedish and Danish brides was attached small bags of plants with a strong smell, such as garlic, leeks and rosemary, it was believed that it will bring good luck

Regardless of whether it was the wedding bouquets or about the bags embedded in the clothes; the smell of garlic and other herbs was unpleasant at the wedding, even despite the promise that it would bring the bride good luck as well. The modern bride would not agree to such a bouquet, No :). If you want your wedding bouquet to radiate fragrance behind you, lavender flowers in the wedding bouquet will be a great choice for you.

That there only was not, in The Wedding Bouquet!

Let's move on to our third story! The following story says that the wedding bouquet was made of plants with the effect of aphrodisiac. After the wedding, the bride was eating a bouquet of plants such as dill and marigolds soaked in rose water, so she was prepared for the evening event. Although the fashion trend of wedding bouquets 2019 supports the presence of fruits, flowers, beautiful vegetables in bouquets, I am not sure that the bride who will eat her bouquet at the end of the wedding will be welcomed.

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A Little Luck

If you are interested in what it means to catch the bride's bouquet and where this tradition came from, then this story is for you. This is my favourite story of luck. According to this story, in ancient times, brides were considered especially lucky on the wedding day. Because of this, the bride's relatives were taking pieces of the bride's clothes to get their portion of luck. Brides, who are so tired of this ceremony of tugging clothes, found way out in the bride's bouquet. Instead of handing out pieces of their clothes to bring good luck at the end of the wedding, they started handing out flowers from the wedding bouquet. Time passed, and the tradition continued to exist, although it changed shape. Today, there is a belief, a bouquet thrown into the crowd, brings good luck and the girl who caught this bouquet will be the next one to get married. If you are planning a bouquet throwing ceremony, you should definitely choose the music from the list of the best wedding songs.

The Language Of Flowers

The language of flowers according to various sources appeared in the early 17th century in Istanbul. This activity quickly overleaps to France and soon led to the determination of the value of 800 colours and the creation of a common floral language around the world. And of course, it is reflected in the wedding bouquets that can be made up of all kinds of flowers.

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  • Queen Victoria's period turned roses, as one of the most elegant flowers, into a symbol of true love, indispensable for wedding flowers.
  • Ancient Greek brides usually carried ivy as a wedding flower to symbolize their eternal love for their husbands.
  • At Greek Orthodox weddings, traditional crowns made from orange blossom were putting on the heads of the bride and groom, as these flowers symbolize purity with their white colour and spread a pleasant and gentle smell.
  • In the middle East were using tarragon, a bitter plant in the bride's bouquet, it is believed that marriages he was an impacting even at a time when marriage becomes bitter.

I don't think you should risk it, whether you believe it or not! Whether it is a yellow Tulip, which symbolizes hopeless love or Mimosa – a symbol of loneliness, it is better not to take them to the wedding bouquet. Pay attention to honeysuckle and blue violets, which symbolize devotion, the most natural way to tell your partner “I love you” is Linden flowers, and Jasmine, says you find him very sexy and attractive!

You're almost ready! How to make a choice of wedding flowers, and after you get acquainted with the list of seasonal flowers for wedding bouquets, you will have no shortage of information about wedding bouquets!

What Wedding Flower In Which Season?

Each flower has a special beauty in different seasons! Although, in modern conditions, you can find flowers that bloom throughout the year, in fact, the season for each flower is different. The flower received in a season, will be more juicy and long. You also want not to overload your wedding budget and be sensitive to nature; this guide will help you with your choice of wedding flower!

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spring weddings

At spring weddings you can easily pick up fragrant and colourful bouquets as a wedding bouquet. Small elegant bouquets of fresh daffodils, peonies, lilies or freesias, as well as table decorations for each table, can bring the spring mood at your wedding. If you prefer different colours, you can also add multiple tulips. When you make a choice of the wedding bouquet, you should pay attention to how your wedding dress matches with colours or accessories.

Summer Weddings

Are you ready for a bright choice of colours such as Magnolia, lavender, Lily, clove or chamomile? Summer weddings are dynamic and colourful weddings. So try to use as many colours and paints as possible. If you are planning a simple wedding, summer roses will be very useful. You can get help from a florist to extend the life of flowers, which can quickly wilt due to hot weather conditions.

Autumn Weddings

Autumn wedding flowers are those that have dark pastel shades and soft colours. You can choose a wedding bouquet consisting of orchids, chrysanthemums or delphiniums. Autumn compositions that your florist will prepare with dry branches can also be a rich table decoration.

Winter Weddings

In the winter months, when the variety of flowers is less common than in other seasons, you can still make a lot of beautiful compositions and flower bouquets. Bouquets of hyacinths, camellias or snowdrops, such decorations will support your wedding theme. You can also use dry flowers instead of bright wedding flowers.

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A Boutonniere For The Groom?

Almost all of us know what a flower in the buttonhole of the groom's jacket. So, why do you need a boutonniere and what does it mean? Flowers on the lapel of the groom's jacket - a tradition based on the middle Ages. Men who were going to war in the Middle ages was taking some of the wedding flowers that their wives collected or kept in the house and added them to their armour. These flowers are their indicator and symbol of their eternal love. Boutonnieres also in the 17th century in France were an accessory that was attaching by all-male guests, so that the evil spirit had no chance to sneak into the wedding house.

What Flowers Are Suitable For Boutonnieres?

In fact, the boutonniere has nothing to do with the groom's suit; it's all about the bride's dress. You just have to know that if there is a boutonniere on the lapel, it is better to use a tie, not a bow tie or a scarf. The easiest way to choose a flower to lapel is to take a sample from the wedding bouquet and ask the florist to make the suitable boutonniere.

Who Uses Boutonnieres?

Boutonniere can be attached to the costumes of men from the family of the bride and groom. Men who are first degree relatives of the bride and groom attach it, so they easily can recognize each other. Of course, as a small gesture, it would be nice if the groom also attached the boutonniere to his close friends.

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