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Attractive Brides Are In The Role Of An Unforgettable Wedding

Skin Care of Brides While Preparing For The Wedding

It is necessary for you to have a beautiful skin on the wedding day

Wedding is one of the most important days of her life for every bride. It is desirable to look beautiful and impressive on this special day.

. If you want to make your skin look beautiful and shining at the wedding, here are our suggestions:

Prepare your skin for your wedding

Wedding day is one of the most special days of women’s life. Every bride wants to look prefect on that special day with all eyes on her. There are many aesthetic works that make brides look charming and magnificent on the wedding day. According to the needs of every bride, it is useful to know the most frequently used aesthetic touches before the weddingWedding planner in Antalya

Make your hair shine

Hair is the most attract attention piece of a bride. Every bride wants to choose hair model according to her wedding dress. Regardless of the model, you should consider a special care for your hair 2-3 years ago for healthy looking, lush and shiny hair strands. Before the weeding, the most loved way for hair care is hair mesotherapy. In hair mesotherapy, solutions containing vitamins, antioxidants and different mixes special for the patient, which will nourish and strengthen the hair follicles, are injected with tiny tip needles. It can repeat a few séance at intervals of 7-10 days. PRP operation is another operation that nourishes hair follicles. The operation that is material that made by a person’s own blood is injected into hair follicles, usually make with combining of mesotherapy.

Care your skin

Although all kinds of flaws can be easily covered with make-up materials, every bride who knows that he will wake up without makeup the next day wants a flawless and smooth skin. If today’s women think about marriage age is at least 30s which show up the signs of aging, looking young also became the priority of brides at wedding night. There are many options that can be recommended for a wrinkled, blemish free, vivid and bright looking skin. Skin care, peeling, mesolifting, salmon DNA and laser skin rejuvenation combined with special masks are among the most preferred procedures for brides. A small reminder to the brides who are planning something for their skin: do not plan all these procedures just for your face, you may need to include your neck, décolleté and back in your skin care plans according to the model of your wedding dress.

Appear your smile

Wedding day will be the happiest day of you. You will smile a lot at photo shoot before the wedding as well as during the wedding. People smile with their lips and eyes. That’s why interventions to reveal these two regions are preferred by the brides. Eye bruises and wrinkles around the eyes are the two most important problems that need to be corrected around the eyes. You can get rid of under eye bruises with light filling and mesotherapy, and wrinkles around the eyes with botox operation, with a 30-minute operation on the same day. In order to make the lips more prominent, you should prefer filling operations. Fillers will also make your smile eye-catching by providing a smooth, vibrant and fresh look, as it also adds moisture to the lips.

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  • Skin care / Hydrafacial operation:

You can start to make your skin being ready to your wedding a few months ago before the wedding. Skin is cleaned deeply with medical skin care, skin is renewed with special peeling agents and skin is moistened with moisturizer masks. Hydrafacial operation is a professional skin care system made with a special vacuum system. It is used in skin care with vacuum devices used in this system. The system is in the stage of deep cleaning, 2-stage peeling, anti-aging care, moisturizing and LED light.

  • Skin resurfacing with chemical peelings:

If your skin has color tone inequality or if there are old civil scars or the appearance of the skin, this problem can be corrected with chemical peeling with matte fruit acids.

  • Excess Moisture vaccine:

Skin needs to be moistened whatever type of skin you have. Your skin can shine brightly with special moisture vaccine injections consisting of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and salmon DNA. Make-up looks more beautiful, especially on well-moisturized skin.

  • Botox and filling operations:

If you have mimic wrinkles on your face made Botox. Botox operation before the wedding is applied 15 days before. This time is important for Botox to evaluate and show its effectiveness. If there are volume losses on your face or if you have eye pits and bruises, it is out of the filling material. With the filling operation, your face will look better in terms of aesthetics. Filling operations are also required 2-4 weeks before the wedding.

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  • Sweating botox:

If you are sweating a lot or you don’t want to appear sweat stain on bridal gown, please, you can apply botox to the armpits before the wedding. With Botox, sweating is completely reduced and you can somehow wear your bridal gown here.

  • Skin care with cold laser method:

Cold laser method is made for tightening of the pores on the skin, regeneration of the skin, making collagen under the skin. In this laser method, it is possible to correct the appearance of the skin with laser beams of different wavelengths.

Your epilation procedures have been completed up to 3 days before the wedding. It is to be careful to pass the problems like redness and irritation on the skin after epilation operations.
It is necessary for hand and foot care before the wedding. Start hand and foot care a few months before the wedding.There will be benefits in your attention that will be fed before the wedding. Consuming foods that are good for the skin (green leafy vegetables, olive oil, tomatoes, eggs, etc.) helps your skin look well.Good sleep before the wedding helps your skin look well. Eat mild foods and drink plenty of water. Avoid carbonated beverages; instead, choose mild teas such as relaxing green tea and chamomile tea.

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