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Your Wedding Planner in Turkey Provides the Best Wedding Make-up in Antalya

Wedding Makeup Service Antalya - Wedding Planner in Turkey

Individual Wedding Makeup for Your Wedding in Antalya

In preparation for the most important day, when you will be able to say "Yes" to the love of your life, the most important thing for the bride is what kind of wedding makeup to choose and how it should be.

Wedding makeup is not only the most visible and most discussed feature of the bride's wedding image but also becomes one of the most important details that highlight the beauty and elegance of the bride. Of course, you can do your wedding makeup at home yourself, so you can negotiate with a makeup artist you trust and get him to do it. What is important in both alternatives is to know the tricks to create wedding makeup.

Wedding Makeup, How Is It Done?

The bride's makeup should be simple and natural, on the one hand, on the other hand, emphasize and highlight the brightest features of the bride's face during wedding photoshoots and similar special moments. Of course, the models of wedding makeup you choose may differ depending on the season in which you prefer to get married and the theme of the wedding you are going to carry out. decoding wedding makeup. For example, wedding makeup for evening weddings can include more expressive notes and complex accents; on the other hand, wedding makeup for wedding ceremonies held in the daytime should be simple, comfortable and more minimalist. In any case, for the bride's makeup, lips and cheeks should be as organically emphasized as possible. Now it is the turn to the stages of creating a wedding makeup.Civil wedding in Antalya

Skin Preparation

On the morning of the wedding day, clean your face with a quality cleanser and use a light moisturizer. Stay away from harsh textured alcohol-based scrubs and tonics when you clean your skin, as this can lead to unwanted rashes and extra irritability on your skin.

Makeup Base

You may not need to apply primer to the base in everyday life, but if you think that this day will be special and " long”, you will realize that you will need such a weapon that will keep your makeup for a long time. Apply the primer immediately after the moisturizer so that your Foundation can serve you as long as possible.

Application Basics

Before applying the Foundation, make sure that the primer is completely dry and has penetrated the skin. The Foundation you choose should be a quality Foundation that exactly matches your tone and skin type. Apply with a makeup sponge so you don't leave unwanted marks and blemishes on your face.


The Golden rule in wedding makeup, as in any makeup, is the rule of applying Foundation, after the Foundation. The most ideal type of Foundation that you can use when applying wedding makeup is liquid. Perfect for masking red dots, bags under the eyes and dark circles, these concealers will help you get the smooth and well-groomed look you want.

Use Of Illuminator (Highlighter)

Don't overdo using an illuminator if you want your wedding makeup to look natural; otherwise, you're more likely to look like a disco ball than a bride. Secure the illuminator you've applied over the top, following the cheekbone line, with an egg-shaped makeup sponge. Touch the tip of your nose.

Application Of Powder

It is recommended to use a clear loose powder to keep your skin from glowing, and make sure that the primer, Foundation and Highlighter you rub blend together. Start with the T-zone first, using a medium powder brush, then carefully spread the powder all over the face, including the neck area.civil marriage in Antalya


The type of blush that is ideal for wedding makeup is a blush of creamy consistency, because of the high durability it provides. If you decide to use a cream blush, you need to do it just before applying the powder. On the other hand, you can apply blush after powder, oval movements, giving it a more natural look.

Eye Makeup

Avoid using bright colors for a stylish and elegant look when applying eye shadow. Instead, silvery and shimmering earthy tones or pastels will help you get a much more delicate look. When applying eye shadow, apply the darkest shade to the outer corner of the eye and the lightest shade to the inner corner. If eyeliner, try to make it as thin as possible. Pull the black handle under your eyes for a brighter image.

The Use Of Mascara

Once you are done with the eye shadow and eyeliner, apply mascara to complete the bride's eye makeup. When you do, start at the roots of the lashes and leading up to the outside. Avoid using silver or colored mascara. Be sure to use waterproof mascara.


Like your face, your lips need to be moisturized and pre-prepared before applying lipstick. First apply a moisturizer to your lips, and then apply a second coat, choosing a lipstick color that matches your choice of blush. Avoid using glitter; it may cause reflection in wedding photos.

Civil wedding in Turkey

What You Should Pay Attention To When Applying Wedding Makeup!

  • Error, which is most often experienced by the bride before doing Bridal makeup, is that they get overly extravagant and eye-catching makeup. This happens for reasons such as ” the most important day of my life “or” I'm getting married once", this can be the reason that the bride, when their makeup is complete, looks like she's going for a night out with her girlfriends rather than a wedding. So you should strive to get as nice and quality image as possible when you do your wedding makeup.
  • You should aim to look like the prettiest version of yourself and not like someone else on your wedding day; your wedding makeup should serve just that.
  • If you are undecided about eye shadow colors, you can catch the harmony by choosing the shade color in the shades of your wedding flower. A pastel shade that turns from pink to purple will enliven your makeup and allow you to create a subtle connection with your wedding bouquet in wedding photos.
  • If you are planning to do your wedding makeup at a hair salon, you should take your favorite wedding makeup images with you before you go and give the makeup artist ideas on how you want to look. The most ideal way to do a wedding makeup is, of course, to go through a rehearsal of the wedding hairstyle and makeup before the wedding day.
  • If the wedding makeup prices you buy from hairdressers scare you, you may prefer to do your makeup yourself, but in this case you will also have to pre-rehearse yourself.
  • Your wedding day is one of those rare days when you will not want to impose economic constraints on the budget, so when choosing materials for wedding makeup, you should be careful to use the highest quality, most reliable and recommended brands and products. You may also want to check with your makeup artist what kind of wedding makeup kit she uses before getting to work.
  • False eyelashes that you have not used before and are not used to may not be the right choice to use for the first time on your wedding day, so instead it is worth settling for quality mascara that lengthens the eyelashes.
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