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For weddings in Antalya, our company will prepare games for kids

Our company always prepares gifts for kids at wedding in Antalya

Children at a wedding are special guests

A wedding is a family holiday that unites members of two families, from small to large, women and men, adults, the elderly and children. Often children are waiting for this holiday as much as adults.

Kids at a wedding are always cute. They fill the holiday with laughter, joy, dilute serious moments with their spontaneity and cause wide smiles from the guests.

But ... where there are small children, there is also a place for whims, tears, insults. Young children get tired quickly and the child's psyche is not always ready to adapt so easily to big holidays. It is often tiresome for children to spend a long time on an adult holiday, where all the conversations, toasts, menus, and interiors are prepared exclusively for an adult audience. In this article, we have collected all the tips for parents and wedding planners that will help you create the perfect holiday for both adults and kids. And so…Wedding planner in Antalya

Animator for children at a Ceremony

If a large number of children are expected at the matrimony, then take care of a professional animator for children in advance. Before ordering an animator for a marriage, make inquiries about the company that provides such services. To ensure the quality of services for children, it will be useful to ask for the help of professional organizers. The level of skill of children's animators is very important in such crowded holidays as nuptials. Animators are clowns, psychologists, and educators who are able to interest children's audience and amuse them for a long time.

Among the entertainment for children at the ceremony is also a very popular aquarium, drawing on the face of children with non-toxic paints. This gives them great pleasure. It is worth hiring a professional children's makeup artist for this.

Children's menu

The menu for children should contain not only delicious but also healthy dishes for the child's body. Also, the dishes should not be boring, potato balls, minced hedgehogs, curly sliced vegetables and fruits, will diverge with a Bang than the "serious" adult dishes of the menu. The children's menu should include dishes such as fruit salad, French fries, pizza, ice cream, etc. So your children will be full, and where children are full, there is no place for crying and whims.

Design of a children's table at a marriage

Children are inherently great aesthetes and lovers of creativity. This is an audience that will appreciate your creative approach in the design of a table for children. Believe me, balloons, fancy napkins and children's accessories and toys, sweets and candies will not go unnoticed. And for a long time your little guests will remember your ceremony as "the coolest ceremony!»

Involving children at a matrimony

Best wedding planner in Antalya

Artists and children who are used to performing in public can be involved in the nuptials event.

Prepare a greeting poem, song, or dance with them. Such performances lighten the atmosphere, lift the mood, both for children and adults. Girls carrying the bride's veil or scattering rose petals look like little angels.

You can also take children at a wedding photoshoot. This brings great joy to the children themselves, and besides, photos with them are much more interesting and original. Such photos will please you and your loved ones for a long time.

Ceremony clothes for children

Beautiful, lush dresses and little tuxedos for the little guests of the marriage ceremony, always look cute. Pay special attention to children's clothes that are not only beautiful but also comfortable. Comfortable and comfortable clothing for children plays an important role in a child's behavior. Another point that you should pay attention to when choosing clothes for children for a wedding is that it should match the theme of the wedding. If the groom's wedding dress is a tuxedo, then small tuxedos on boys will look appropriate, if it is country matrimony or a boho-style of it, then the kids ' clothes should be different, less formal. Ceremony clothes for children are very popular with the children themselves. They begin to feel like adults, and the special attention of everyone around them, riveted to them and their dresses, gives them great joy.

Preparatory conversation with the child

Parents of children who are invited to the nuptials are advised to hold a preliminary explanatory conversation with the child before the ceremony. Explain the importance of the event, prepare psychologically. So you will ensure a pleasant time for yourself and your child and guests.

Children's area at the ceremony

A very good solution for nuptials with a large number of children is to prepare a separate Wedding planner in Turkeychildren's area at the event place. This area may include a TV, tables, chairs, books, coloring books, toys, constructor or any sports equipment. To make it interesting for children, you can also arrange different master classes: modelling from polymer clay or clay, drawing with sand or creating a postcard for the bride and groom with your own hands. Ideas for such masterclasses can be spied on the Internet.

You can arrange a show of soap bubbles, from which the kids are just crazy. Teamgamesandcompetitionswilldelightanychild.

Don't be afraid of children at a wedding. You should just take a more deliberate approach to organizing a ceremony. It will be very useful to contact professional organizers. Professional wedding organizers take care of all the issues, they will help you with advice and selection of children's entertainment for the ceremony, and the choice of wedding menu for children and many others. Give a worthy holiday to yourself and your children.

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