Requested Documents To Marry in a Foreign Country

Requested Documents to Marry Abroad - Turkey Wed Planner


In today’s worlds, the number of Turkish people who want to marry in foreign countries increases day by day. They want to arrange their weddings ceremony in a different tradition, in exotic places with their close friends and families.

Can everyone marry in foreign countries?

Yes. Every Turkish citizen can marry in Turkish Ambasies in every country. If there is not Turkish Abssay close by, they have to translate it to Turkish and bring the documents to the nearest civil registry office.

Turkish people who want to marry in romantic cities such as Rome, Paris, New York, Bangkok should apply the requested procedures in the country that they choose to marry.

Requested Documents

* The Affidavit of Marital Status (can be handed from registry office) The Affidavit for each will then have to be signed and witnessed in person by a notary public Turkey.Luxury Persian Wedding in Antalya

* International Birth Certificate – can be handed out from registry office)

* Identity Register Copy

* Place of residence

* Identity card, a copy of passport, passport

* Passport photograph

The requested documents vary according to the country. Every country may request different document since the political procedures are not the same. The aforementioned documents can be taken from the Turkish Embassy. However, it takes about one month to receive the documents. Therefore, taking the documents from Turkey may shorten the process.

After completing the document, you should apply to the Embassy to book a marriage day. The demand for marriage abroad is not high, so it is easy to book the day you request. However, you should check it through phone calls.Luxury Iranian Wedding at Hotel in Antalya

You have to be Christian if you want to marry in a church, what’s more, you also have to be Jewish, if you want to synagogue. You should have a baptism document to marry in a church. If you are not Christian or Jewish, your civil marriage will be held by “Wedding Registrar”.

Another important point that you should check is that the international validity of the “Marriage Certificate”. For example, there are some marriage ceremonies in Las Vegas. These kinds of marriages do not have validity in other countries.

You have to be very careful about it...

International offices can ask for different documents. However, the documents we have mentioned are the common documents that every office ask for. Health report and photographs are not necessarily requested in abroad. The only important request is that the documents you have prepared have to translate into the official language of the country you are planning to marry.

Unfortunately, the workload does not finish after your wedding ceremony. The Turkish government has to be informed about the marriage. Embassy or yourself should inform the Turkish Government about your marriage within two months to make your marriage registered in Turkey as well. Otherwise, you will be fined.

If the couple lives in abroad;

You should apply personally to Ambassy by yourself and request for a declaration of marriage. After filling out the document the document will be sent to necessary offices. Embassy informs the applicants when they have the answer from the Turkish offices.Persian Luxury Wedding in Antalya


  • Only Turkish citizens have marriage at Embassy.
  • There should be two witnesses of the bride and groom. The witnesses should prepare their documents as well.
  • According to Turkish Law, man cannot be named as wife’s surname. Turkish women have to take their husband’s surname. However, if women want to keep her surname, she should inform registration offices by a letter.

Marriage Declaration:

It can be done by personally, or by mail. There are some embassies which do not accept applications done by mail.

The declaration should be made to the nearest embassy. Luxury Wedding in Antalya

Requested Documents:

  • A signed document by one of the partners.
  • Original copy of marriage certification
  • Identity for both partners and one copy of each.
  • Birth certificates
  • Documents which show if there is an obligation of judicial restraint of marriage. These documents are asked who are previously divorced.


Marriage should be held by the related country offices if one of the partners has other nationality. After marriage, a copy of an original marriage certificate should be sent to the embassy within a month. Marriage applications should be applied to an embassy which Turkish citizen is related with. If both of the applicants have other nationality, the application should be made to an embassy which men are related with. You can reach to documents Marriage Registration and Marriage Enrolment.

Foreign Marriages in Turkey Luxury Hotel Wedding in Antalya

A person who has foreign nationality can marry with a Turkish citizen only by a staff of Turkish Government MarriageOffice. However, people who have only foreign citizenship can also be married by Turkish offices. Applications to offices will be accepted by Turkish Government marriage offices and they will be under the same obligations as Turkish citizens. They should bring The Affidavit of Marital Status to the Turkish offices.

Applications of people who do not have appropriate documents of citizenship and passport can also be accepted by the staff of marriage offices. Therefore, their application process will move accordingly.

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