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The most colorful weddings held are Pakistani weddings

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Magical Traditional Pakistani Weddings

Today I will tell you about a magical Pakistani wedding. I warn you in advance that it will take you far away. The wedding of a completely different world with its color and magic...

1 Day: Wedding Ceremony

The first day of wedding ceremony, it starts with reciting the quran at bride’s home. The family of groom comes to bride’s family home without the groom and they recite the quran all together. They have dinner after all.Best wedding planner in Antalya

By the way, I would like to say the groom is not similar to other grooms that you know. Almost everything focuses on the groom and his family. Wedding is made by bride’s side, the most of preparations are assumed by the bride’s side. You will understand what I mean at the end of writing.Mention that; wedding is both pleasant and hard for brides. There are many types of traditions; for instance bride doesn’t smile during the wedding day, it doesn’t take kindly to marring vivaciously. Thus, don’t think that a woman is sad; it just should be like that.

Bride sits on the chair decorated with flowers and there are sweet-smelling flowers and desserts in front of her. Guests sit near the bride and wear a medallion on her to have a fertile marriage life and then make bride eat a piece of dessert. Every guest repeats that ritual and bride eat almost all dessert. Given gifted money disburse to employees that work in house at the ceremony. Groom’s family brings traditional trousseaus as clothes, jewellery, accessories, bridal gown, shoes that bought. Trousseaus are shown as a presentation to the guests.

Bridal gown is made red, generally, silk fabric, design and all of the beads are handcrafted. Pakistan bridal gown is always beadwork, so that’s why they are heavy as working bodybuilding at the wedding. However, brides feel as princess inside of the bridal gown what kind of bridal gown they have and they don’t want to take it off. You want to live for a lifetime as normally reluct it that heavy cloth.After the ceremony finished at the bride’s family home, collected all trousseaus that are prepared by bride side, then go to groom’s family house without the bride.
There is also preparing trousseau in Turkish culture. The important thing is that trousseau should be colorful. Groom and his family meet with her family in groom’s house and Groom has eaten desserts and given flower at this time. Bride side has dinner in his house and conversations are taking place, nuclear families are mingling well. By the way, dinner that I mentioned continue until 01.00 AM at least. The night is live and the morning is sleeping in Pakistan.

2 Day: Mehndi Ceremony

It is the funniest day ever. Mehndi day called as ceremony that is the attention of relatives. Wedding held on in the venue at that time. The bride side comes early and waits for the groom side to meet with flower petals and necklaces in their hands.Groom’s mother generally wears a yellow dress as usual. Groom welcomed with flowers and drums. The bride brings her relatives and friends that close to the place, which is completely decorated with vivid flowers. Then same ritual repeats again: Desserts is eaten.
This time is harder due to number of guests too much. Then, the funniest part is coming… Both bride side and groom side sit separately on the carpet. They start to play instrument as tambourine etc. and they sing side by side. When one side finishes their lyrics, then other side starts different song with last word of that lyric. Who can sings fast and with more enthusiasm is that side wins. Gifts distributed to guests arriving at henna: glass bracelets, candies, flowers.

3 Day: Rest Day

It passes with simple celebrations in own home as known as Rest Day.

4 Day: Shadi day – Wedding Day

This is the biggest day. Today, bride and groom get married. Bride and groom go to new own home after the ceremony. The wedding ceremony that made during the day is very interesting. While the groom waits with the people in the mosque, a surrogate goes to the bride's house, the bride signs the wedding book, then comes to the groom, the groom signs the book and they are declared husband and wife. Great wedding time in the evening...Best wedding planner in Turkey

The wedding, attended by at least 1000 people, starts in a colorful and bright hall decorated with Pakistani culture. The groom and his family are again welcomed by the bride's family with drums and flowers at the door while the relatives of the groom enter the venue. Then, bride’s brother brings the bride to wedding venue. It is again desserts… Bride and groom have to eat them because if they don’t eat, they don’t get gift. At this ceremony, milk is brought to the groom inside of a special glass, the groom has to drink milk until he gives money to the little relatives of the bride, and he can stop drinking as soon as they agree.

5 Day is again rest day, they give a break.

6 Day: Wilima Ceremony

Walima is a meal that is given by groom. This is the night for bride’s family day. Bride side welcomed with flowers and drums at the door by the groom side. Bride and groom join together that ceremony. The bride comes with a wonderful dress. If you noticed that bride wear lots of dress as bridal gown.

Walima is a really simple ceremony; families celebrate bride and groom, then all together take a photo and dinner time start. Finally, a week of the wedding almost has finished.

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