Rituels Of Indian Weddings Are The Attention Center Of The World

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Wedding and Marriage Rituals in India

INDIA became a colony of many countries since it has lots of underground beauties. Hindu people remained under the pressure of Muslims, Christians etc. In their country, that’s why in a multicultural country like this, wedding traditions become more variable and rich. Three cities named as Delhi-Agra-Jaipur are a combination of so many different countries. Everything can be very interesting for you.

Wedding and Marriage Rituals in IndiaIndian Mehndi Ceremony in Antalya

INDIA became a colony of many countries since it has lots of underground beauties. Hindu people remained under the pressure of Muslims, Christians etc. In their country, that’s why in a multicultural country like this, wedding traditions become more variable and rich. Three cities named as Delhi-Agra-Jaipur are a combination of so many different countries. Everything can be very interesting for you.

1652 different languages are spoken in this country.

It is said that exactly 1652 languages are spoken in this country and 15 of them are the official languages. India is a really interesting country. Looking at the marriage announcements on newspapers is enough to understand this. In order to understand the interestingness: “The boys and girls who came to the age of marriage are going to meet in a saloon”. Members of one of the casts which are a divided version of four main casts, come together to find someone to marry with the marriage announcement on the newspapers.

Sikhism against Cast System

Sikhism is born from a collection of bringing the bests of Islam and Hinduism before 500 years ago by Hindu. There is no caste system and executing of widow women and the consumption of alcohol and tobacco is not allowed in Sikhism. They do not use scissors and razors, they knit their beard and do not cut their hair. Often you can see some people who cover their mouth with a napkin. It is so similar to Buddhism. They strictly do not consume meat because they are afraid of harming livings. Some monks cover their mouths with a napkin in order to prevent any accidents of the entrance of insects. You can also see some nude walking people, they want to emphasize that they do not care for the materials.

Henna NightIndian Sangeet Ceremony in Antalya

There are three sections of Indian weddings. The first day has the preparation for the wedding and the party before the wedding day. In this party, the aim is getting closer of the grooms’ and brides’ relatives. Henna called as mehndi tattooed to hands and feet of brides. In this section, special songs are singed and people dance.

Feet bath to grooms

The second day is the wedding day. Grooms are welcomed by his mother-in-law. His feet are washed and he is served milk and honey. He is responsible for the bride’s clothes. Brides wear special saree dresses instead of a white wedding dress. Grooms prepare special clothes for brides because they are responsible for her clothes at the wedding.

When she comes to the wedding ceremony she wears normal daily clothes, and then her husband serves her wedding dress.

Dance around fire

Bride and groom dance four times around holly fire and then they start to run to their seats and who sits first is believed that will have the power at home.

Marriages under astrology and religion

As we mentioned before, weddings in India are so different from each other. Rich people have different wedding ceremonies than others in the country. Marriages are mostly under the religion roof. So, the pressure of religions in marriages is high. Some families look at astrology before they let their children marry. Indian astrology has Navamsa which is a marriage map. This map has the responsibility to show the powers of planets.

The problems can occur later on, will be seemed now, so the couples who think to marry will not have problems. It is very common to use this map in India.

Cross with four points “Svastika”Indian Wedding Organizer in Antalya

Some rich noble families decorate the bride car with flowers and then they put a big cross which is decorated with flowers. They put four dots into the middle of the cross. Svastika is believed that it occurred in Western Asia and came to India later on. Svastika means “Happy Life” in Sanskrit. The bride and her friends have a tattoo done with henna on their hands and feet. After that, the bride and groom are sending to their home with music.

Drahoma after marriage

A marriage of 9-10 years and drahoma is very common in India. It is said that people pray for a baby boy because of Drahoma. That’s why it can be seen that most of the abounded kids are a girl. Talisman of Ocimum basilica originally comes from India

Talisman of Basilica

It is said that basilica absorbs all the negative energy…

It is so brave and warrior that you do not expect from its tiny body.

A basilica is identified with planet Mars and it is a purple warrior plant. It is known as the guardian of homes since ancient times. That’s why people who know it put the basilica in front of their entrance door. They let it watch outside kindly. Basilica loves to fondle its top subtly. When you fondle it, it releases an amazing smell. It is believed that an Indian God Vishnu blesses this mesmerizing plant that comes from India. According to Indians, basilica absorbs every kind of energy. If you put it in front of your bedroom, it guards your room. If you put it in front of your door or window, it guards your home. It is believed that if basilica puts its head down, it tries to overcome negative energy. In such situations, you should fondle it and encourage it to guard you again. It is hard to pet a basilica plant although it looks like a kid. It requests sun, love, care and a frequent check.

Houses were used to put a lot of basilica in front of their windows and doors when they have a virgin young girl at a house in ancient times. Since they believed that it will protect the girls who are at the age of marriage until they marry.

Maybe the new trend of having basilica plants as a wedding gift op the guests is thought that basilica blesses the new marriage.Indian Baraat Ceremony in Antalya

When we check its plant features, it grows mainly in Asia, and it is also known as mountain girl “Reyhan”. It is a distant relative of mint and thyme. One of the most well knows features of it is that it does not allow mosquitoes and bedbugs. They mean it when they say “the guardian of our house”. One of its guard features is relieving the pain and giving freshness after biting by bees.

It also treats mouth woods. It is a soldier who protects from the outside dangers. That’s why; it is identified by the energy of Mars.

According to ancient traditions, if a man gets basil from a woman, and accepts it gratefully means that he opens his heart to the woman and he will love her forever. According to a belief, the smell like licorice increases the love between two lovers.

If you put his brave plant into your bedroom, the bad energies and negativity will not harm your relationship.

It is enough to name basil as a guardian of your bedroom to protect your relationship. First of all, put the basil in a place that you have cleaned with salvia and refresh the room after that put dried basil leaves into the corners of your room. If you do this after a tense period with your partner is a better idea.

Normally, you will use basil for love and happiness. It is better to choose a Friday which is in the full moon period. If you put it in charge of guarding your house try to make it on Tuesday.

If you have a tense continuing period with your partner, you should do this ritual in a new moon period. You should leave dried basil leaves into the corners of your bedroom after cleaning your room with salvia one day before.


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