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We Recommend Turkish Cuisine For Your Wedding In Antalya

Ask The Wedding Planner What The Wedding Menu Should Be

What Should Be The Wedding Menu?

Everyone chooses a different place for a wedding, someone wants a wedding in a restaurant, it can be in five-star hotel, another one likes the country or gorgeous wedding abroad, on a yacht or a nuptial ceremony by the pool,

you can arrange a modest wedding reception or a magnificent reseption can be organized, gathering half a city of guests, but wherever your wedding is, it will depend largely on the wedding menu. This is almost the most important component to get the satisfaction of guests.

Hungry guests are not in the mood to have fun, hungry eyes do not see the beauty of the wedding dress or decorations. Experienced chefs say that on average, one guest at eats a little more than a kilogram of food.So, let's talk today about what should be the wedding menu that will please your guests, and also will not be too expensive.

Wedding menu for hotel wedding in Antalya

Wedding menu for a crowd at the wedding.

For large and crowded weddings, we recommend not to take risks with new dishes and outlandish recipes, as it is not so easy to please the tastes of a huge number of people. We recommend turning to traditional European and world cuisine.

Variety of appetizers and salads in the wedding menu

Usually, at least 2-3 salads are served on the tables at the wedding. Salads can be vegetable, with chicken, shrimp, fish, but they should be salads with a long shelf life that will not lose their aesthetic appearance. In addition, there should be a cheese plate on the table consisting of different cheese slices.

Different pickles and marinades, olives, gherkins, and mushrooms look good next to a cheese plate.

Hot dishes are the basis of the wedding menu

Wedding Menu is unthinkable without hot dishes, which are also called main dishes. The basis of hot dishes is meat, which is served as a side dish. The most popular meat used in these dishes is beef and chicken. We do not recommend using other types of meat for large groups, as there are quite a lot of people who do not like lamb or other types of meat. Another basis for hot dishes is fish. Prefer expensive varieties of fish.

Of course, when preparing the menu, you should also consider the alternative menu for vegetarians at the wedding. In this case, the meat can be replaced with so-called artificial meat —tofu and soy. And to diversify such dishes as risotto, paella, ravioli with spinach, Ratatouille. After thinking about the tastes of all your ceremony guests, you will show delicacy, which of course they will like. Treat your guests with special attention.

Drinks in the wedding menu. Drinks at the wedding can be divided into three categories: non-alcoholic, alcoholic and champagne.

Soft drink. The list of soft drinks should include: water and mineral water, tea or coffee, at least two types of juice, Cola or carbonated drinks.

Alcoholic beverage. Wine is served on the wedding tables (red is preferable), as well as whiskey, vodka, and cognac.

Champagne. For the wedding celebration, the young people are served a bottle of champagne and each guest a glass of champagne. There is also a custom to leave two bottles of champagne for the newlyweds. One opens a year after the ceremony, the other at the birth of the first child.Wedding table in hotel wedding

A Wedding cake is the Queen of the wedding menu

A Wedding cake is not just a dish or dessert of the menu, it is a very beautiful wedding tradition. Cutting a cake is one of the most delicious moments of a celebration. When ordering a wedding cake, you should take into account the number of guests, at the rate of 200 gr per person.

Besides that...

In addition, the table should also be fruit, candy, chocolate and nuts, bread. Don't forget about children who need a special menu. So that the wedding menu does not fly into a penny for the newlyweds, you should seriously approach the choice of dishes. Think about alternative, cost-effective options for certain dishes.

Our partner hotels in Antalya— five-star hotels working on "All-inclusive" system. Brand hotels in Antalya, located on the Mediterranean coast, will delight you and your guests with their rich cuisine, dishes of the Ottoman Empire and world cuisine.

Our wedding partner hotels in Antalya show high standards of menus consisting of world cuisine dishes. At weddings that you plan to organize in Antalya, you can offer your guests luxurious dishes of Turkish and Ottoman cuisine.From our company, which is an international wedding planner, you can get all the information about the best menus of hotels and restaurants.

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