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How to Choose Groom's Wedding Shoes

Wedding Blog - Perfect Ideas for Groom's Wedding Shoes

What to Consider When Choosing Shoes for the Groom

If you have made your choice of wedding suit, it's time for wedding shoes, which is your most important accessory, to complement your suit for the groom. If you manage to find the right shoes for the groom,

suitable for the suit of the groom and the wedding venue, you can be sure that no guest at your wedding will not be able to compete in elegance with you.

groom shoes ideas for a wedding in AntalyaHow Should Look Like Shoes for the Groom…

First, you must admit that on the wedding day all eyes will be on you as well as on the bride. For this reason, you must make the right choice that will accentuate your ensemble, ranging from the groom's suit, shoes, belt, and socks.

In choosing shoes for the suit, will help you colour, cut, style suit for the groom. When choosing shoes for the groom, it is also important to place the wedding. The shoes you wear to a wedding ballroom and the shoes you wear to a country wedding can't be the same, can they? You have to make your choice according to the theme and place of the wedding.

Never Neglect The Convenience

Wedding time, from early morning when you get out of bed, you will spend most of the day on your feet until you see off the last guests at night and retreat to your hotel room. So the comfort of the Shoe that your feet will be in all day and the comfort that it will provide you becomes important. If the groom's shoes are uncomfortable and you bought them because you like this model, they will irritate not only your feet but also you. To avoid this situation casting a shadow on your wedding, I suggest you choose between the models of the groom's shoes so that you do not limit your movements and prefer shoes that do not press, do not leave corns. You should also choose shoes among the models that allow the foot to breathe easily and not sweat. The best choice for these shoes with leather soles inside and out. Leather shoes do not sweat and do not smell, and also take the shape of the feet, providing comfortable wear. You can wear the shoes you bought at home the week before the wedding to stretch them.

Don't Forget That Your Shoes Complete The Groom Costume

A harmonious combination of suit for the groom and shoes for the groom is crucial. If these two don't complement each other, sorry, but you're missing out on becoming a stylish groom. First, you should choose shoes depending on the style, cut and colour of your groom costume to look harmonious when viewed as a whole. For example, if you chose the groom's tracksuit, you should be careful that the groom's shoes are matte leather or suede instead of patent leather.

If you chose a black classic suit, you can turn to black classic models, which can also be leather or patent leather and brighter skin. If your groom suit is grey, you can choose black shoes, if you prefer the groom suit in favour of dark blue or beige colour, you can also look at brown groom shoe models.

wedding planner in TurkeyThe choice of shoes for the groom will not be correct if based only on the suit of the groom. You should not forget that groom shoes, cufflinks, belts, ties, bow ties, boutonniere, lapel are part of the whole together with other accessories, you have to make the right combinations according to colour and style.

Pick Up The Groom's Shoes Suitable For The Wedding Venue…

You will need to work a little on this issue to make the groom's shoes perfectly match the wedding venue and concept. Think about it, you are even trying to decorate the table and chairs for the guests according to the wedding venue, maybe for this, you also cooperate with the wedding organization firm, you will not worry about buying shoes which is your most important accessory as a groom?

At the wedding, which will take place in a chic ballroom of a luxury hotel, where your future wife will appear in a Princess wedding dress, you should also turn to classic shoes, show the image in harmony with the bride, the venue, the atmosphere of the wedding. If it is a wedding in the country or a beach wedding, classic shoes with leather soles will not be the right choice, and will not fit into the holiday atmosphere. Instead, if the bride's style is also light and airy, you can wear loafers matching a thin linen suit or opt for a blue shirt, brown canvas pants and a navy sports boot, completing the cute combination with a bow tie and linen pants. You should remember that if the groom's clothes and shoes are in a sporty style and the socks are not worn, the pants should end at the ankles and have tight trotters.

Problems With The Size Of The Groom's Shoes …

In couples where the bride is taller than the groom, the height difference with heels can be even more obvious. This, in turn, prevents the bride and groom to look harmonious. If this is your case, you may want to consider the groom's Shoe options. By making special shoes for the groom, you can lift your shoes from the inside so that they are not visible from the outside. Thus, the neck will look a few inches longer. Some models of patent leather shoes may also have a higher height than others. You can also use your preferences in favour of such high-base models.

How To Choose Shoes For A Tuxedo For The Groom…

If you prefer the classics, you've probably heard that tuxedo has rules. One of these rules is a feature of the shoes you wear under a tuxedo. The model of groom shoes you will use with the groom tuxedo should be a thin patent leather-soled shoe. The reason why thin laces are that thick and large laces will spoil their elegance by making the legs look rough. If you are afraid that your feet will slip with leather-soled shoes, the following information will be very useful to you. If you put a few tiny scratches under the shoes, you will avoid slipping your feet and will be able to spend the whole wedding day without unnecessary stress and tension.

wedding ideas AntalyaAn Important Accessory - Socks For The Groom…

Groom socks look like it's a small detail, but when the wrong choice is made, it becomes obvious that it's actually an issue to consider. The length of your socks should be long enough so that your feet do not appear when you are sitting. If your wedding is scheduled for a cold winter day, you can also choose socks that rise to the kneecap. In addition, you should make sure that your socks wrap well around your Shin and ankles. Otherwise, the loss of socks can lead to an ugly image, creating folds under the pants. The colour of the sock will vary depending on the color of the pants and shoes. But you have to wear a black suit and black socks with black shoes. Choosing socks under the suit of the groom, you should choose those that have a soft texture that allows the foot to breathe and not sweat. So instead of nylon socks, you should choose silk or thin cotton socks.

Some Details Save Lives…

If your foot size is too big, you should stay away from models that will make your feet even bigger and rougher. In addition, you should also pay attention to the height of the groom's Shoe lift. You should adjust this height according to the cut of the pants, make sure the height of the Shoe that ends at the wrist is not too high. In addition, if the Trouser legs are narrow, it should not gather on the shoes, it should end at the ankle. Pants with a width of 22-23 inches should lie on the shoes.

Choosing shoes for the groom, take into account the themes that we have listed, if you make your choice according to them, your shoes on the wedding day will not cause you any problems, and you will be the very elegance, you will receive high praise from all those invited to the wedding.

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