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International St. Nicholas Wedding Festival In Antalya Demre

Collective Wedding Festival on 6 December

International St. Nicholas Wedding Festival In Antalya Demre

Collective Marriage Ceremony News in Saint Nicholas Church in Demre

The projects of Santa Claus Peace Walk and Santa Claus Marriage Feast in Antalya, Demre between 1-7 December 2009 are united. 15 thousand Santa Clauses witness 15 couples’ marriage.

The owner of the Santa Claus Peace Walk project Oger Tour’s general manager Recep Yavuz and Wedding City Antalya company’s general manager Gülseren Özdemir had a meeting together and stated that they decided to unite these two project which will contribute on Antalya’s and Turkey’s introduction. 15 thousand Santa Claus’ walk to Demre will give a message of Santa Claus turning back to the place where he was born to the entire world. 15 foreign couples’ marriage feast will give power in between projects.

We talked about all the details about this project which is prepared by Erman Fikret Korkmaz,the chairman of the Wedding City Antalya, with Gülseren Özdemir, the general manager of Wedding City Antalya.

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2 Projects United

15 thousand Santa Claus Walk project will be in Guinness Records. Gulseren Ozdemir states that: ‘’When I went to our Ministry for this project, Mr. İbrahim Yazar told me about the Mr. Recep Yavuz’s project and suggest that I should meet with him. We believe that it will influence all the world that these two projects are united now. Because people will excited to see 15 thousand Santa Clauses walking to the Santa Claus Museum and 15 wedding car getting Demre.’’

We Have Planned This Project 5 Years Ago

Actually the project of Santa Claus wedding feast has started 5 years ago. Gulseren Ozdemir mentioned that Santa Claus protects children and sailors and helps girls who cannot get married. She also mentioned that they have started this project 5 years ago. She said they were thinking about how to start wedding tourism, how to make tourism partners understand wedding tourism and how to make this project introduce Turkey. Gulseren Ozdemir mentioned that ‘’It is hard to tell about a person who is not known by society. However we are talking about a person who is loved all around the world and every person knows and will know about, moreover Santa Claus had lived in these region until the end of his life’’

Projects Which Diversify Tourism

Gulseren Ozdemir said that ‘’it is our biggest advantage that Santa Claus is known by entire world. When someone says present, he is the first thing which occurs in people’s minds. There is nothing easier than making a project about this. This is why they will add our story to their own story. In this way by Santa Claus the activities and organizations in our country will be known all around the world.

We Are Very Well Prepared

Wedding City Antalya Company which has a very successful and long history, influence everyone with its foreign organizations. We know how foreign people get married, said Ozdemir and continue her words with these:

‘’It was interesting for me that Santa Claus is a topic which have never mentioned before. I transfer my old experiences in this project. We started the project with 5 years of delay with my friends and children. I tried to tell about this project to the people in tourism sector. But could not get enough interest due to the busy seasons. I tried for 3 years, then I step back but this year I gather an incredible team, the volunteers of this project are the experts of service. We can not take the risk to be ashamed to the Europe. This is why we are well prepared. This project cannot gain success without tourism sector. This project should be organized with hotels and tour companies, get support from non governmental organizations and municipal corporations.

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Full Support From Ministry

Ozdemir mentioned that when she went to ministry to talk about her project, they were very interested. She also mentioned that ‘’They gave support after 24 hours to our project. This is why I am very happy and motivated by the government’s interest and support. We are so decisive to make this project in Antalya. Tourism should be wider than sand, sun and sea. This is why we should evaluate Santa Claus more. As I follow from the press, 36% of the precious beaches are in wedding tourism. We are really late. I think it is a good point to start wedding tourism with Santa Claus wedding feast. All the presses around the world will come for this project and people will learn that wedding are now organized in Antalya. Everyone in this project should give their support so we can tell that this project is ours.’’

Special Permission For Marriage

Gulseren Ozdemir said that, ‘’Appeals are started for getting married in Santa Claus Museum. We believe that if this marriages will be held by our registrars than this project will be in more demand. We also applied for this. I believe that we will have a special permission to have civil marriages in Santa Claus Museum. When this two project are united, 15 Thousand Santa Clauses will witness 15 couples’ weddings. This will be a first in the world.’’

Entrepreneur Gulseren Ozdemir, the project coordinator, said that the aim is to make a collective marriage in Saint Nicholas church between 1-7 December. She said that ‘’Every Russian who come to Antalya visits Saint Nicholas church because this means they become half pilgrim when they visit Saint Nicholas Church. Afterwards we thought that we can make their weddings in this church so they can have a holy marriage. 36% of the Tourists which are going to Caribbean is for weddings. Then we can be successful in Antalya too. We thought to make orthodox weddings in Antalya.

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Wedding Tourism in Antalya

‘’Forthcoming years we will generalize this organization and bring more tourists and enrich the organization with different churches in different cities. Antalya will be the favorite city for the people who wants to get married. We believe this. Because in most countries organizations like weddings are so expensive. Moreover facilities in Antalya are so proper especially for the winter season. ‘’

‘’We are doing a first in the world. The organization we will make will host foreign journalists. After the marriage ceremony in Santa Claus Museum, a traditional Turkish wedding will be held in hotel. Henna will be applied to the brides. Light, sound and fireworks shows prepared. In this way when someone says marriage Antalya will occur people’s minds’’

‘’ We are expecting 15 couples and 500 relatives to participate the 1. International Santa Claus Marriage Feast. Antalya will be a starting point for marriage tourism.

Wedding City Antalya organized the 1. International Santa Claus Marriage Feast in Antalya between 1-7 December. The couples which will come from abroad will get married with collective marriage.

Antalya is a very proper city for the weddings and honeymoons. And this project is trying to make Antalya more famous especially for winter seasons. This is why Gulseren Ozdemir coordinate this project between 1-7 December.

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Wedding City Antalya is an international wedding operator. We organize destination weddings in Antalya. We prepare wedding packages for traditional Indian weddings, traditional Pakistani weddings, traditional Iranian weddings, civil British marriage. You may see our wedding packages from our web page. If you need any further information please contact us.

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