What Couples Must To Do For Happy Marriage

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What Are The Spouses Are Expecting From The Marriage

What are the spouses need to do for a happy marriage?

Importance of compliance in marriage. Marriage is the sailing of two different characters together. This is a tough adventure. You could stagger or be affixed to the wind…But you never sink, you have to not sink.

How it would happen?

With patience, mutually and understanding.

Especially the young generation dreams with powdered pink, stepping in unreal expectations to the marriage nowadays… There is 2 important providence in our lives; one is what job you pick and the other is with who to marry. That is an extremely important decision to make for having happiness. To choose the right one is highly important as much as what meaning are you giving to or what are you expecting from the marriage

The most important determinant of compliance between spouses is what they are expecting. The quality of harmony between man and woman in marriage is determinate how real these expectations. There will be also concordance easily if the expectations are close to each other. If the expectations are different; for example, the man wants to have a child but the woman doesn’t or one of them wants a romantic relationship but the other one is not that much romantic the problems are inevitable.

How to Qualify Your Marriage

We can liken the expectation of harmony of the couples to laser lights. Laser lights go separate like to the right or left so they go a short distance. But they can go for miles with the same energy if you give the electrons similar directions with some methods. As in this example, if the spouses can use their energies in a similar way to one target, marriage will be qualified. Couples should build a marriage on common expectations and make it a mutual project. Beside If both sides try to be the captain of their own ship, there will be problems in the marriage.

Expectations of marriage and having common goals are also related to the life philosophy of man and woman. The people grow up different areas won't react with the same way. About the world, life, cultural values, beliefs, family etc. way to perspective if different so there will be parts are not matching and getting harder to come to the same point.

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The Harmony Of The Goals İs More Important Than The Harmony Of Character

The harmony of couples' character in marriage is not as important as thought. Research on this topic reveals that the common goals and targets of the couples are more important than personal harmony. "In a research what kind of people are looking for which people to marry are more compatible the answer to the question the couples are matched personalities has been followed for many years."

Will Be The Career Enough For The Good Spouse

Especially young people with powder pink dreams, unreal expectations stepping into marriage nowadays. When it comes for the decision of the marriage they looking for the salary, career, beauty more than the personality of your partner, what are day expecting from marriage, lifestyle etc. However, the salary, handsome or high positions of a person does not make anyone a right person as well as a good husband & wife. For this decision based on reasons such as monetary values, body beauty doomed to not improve. On the other hand, marriages based on reality even if there are problems in the future won’t affect it.

Marriage Is Like Taking A Long Trip

Expectations determining the meaning of marriage. If the level of expectations is high this is one of the most important reasons for the problems in the marriage. satisfied, Causes the person to be disappointed if the high expectations in the marriage are not. So marriage should be considered as a long trip, and good and bad times should be prepared.

The Cases Needs To Be Taken Care of Both Side

That is an important thing people who will get marry need to have the role as father and mother. That could be expected to have a baby for both sides. Therefore, women and men should evaluate "Could be a good model for my child?" each other. Women want a husband who has a strong personality, responsible for being a father and can stand in the life on my own. Men looking for someone take care of home and the kids. Common goals and expectations in the marriage should not cause one spouse to dominate the other. Both parties should feel free and have a life with own personality. The couple spending energy for the common goals while cases and relationships to be taken care for both.

What Behaviors Are Expecting From the Husbands

Dear Friends, that’s always a curiosity what women want from the marriage. Actually, there is no limit to wishing something. But we will explain it in a reasonable and logical way, based on our experience. Obviously, this behaviour should be mutual. Marriage is an establishment seeking sacrifice;

  1. In the beginning, it is expecting love, respect, warmth. Behaviours are never enough. For women words completing behaviours are important. Obviously, this behaviour should be mutual.
  2. When the husbands step into the door with a surly face makes woman so sad. That’s could happen time to time no doubt. After a so busy and stressful long day, you could see that on his face. But if it happens every day, that makes them sad. That is viable for whoever works under these conditions so could be man or woman. Stress, fatigue can emerge as consequences. You need to understand each other. Unless if it’s not going to happen every day.
  3. Expecting to hear a couple of nice words and be appreciated after dinner. But this should not be the end of the world if it is forgotten from time to time.
  4. Wives want to feel how special she is for the husband. That is the most important behaviour for them. Women are so devoted when understands that she is loved and valued.
  5. They want to feel the power of the husband. We are not saying that corporeal. First of all, want to trust. No matter how strong a woman is in every sense, the trust of her husband gives her a separate peace. Want to feel the presence.
  6. Doesn't have to be every time but want them to help with chores. Because the chores are monotone so de facto and routine can squeeze the woman, may overwhelm. Want the husband to help them as much as possible what chores. But do not expect to ask for do those things all the time.
  7. Expecting to help when the moments come to the kids. Kids’ education and upkeep in itself is a big responsibility. This is a long marathon so women shouldn’t be alone.
  8. Want her husband to be tidy, it’s an irreverent behaviour if there is mass everywhere in the home. It is not a small number of gentlemen who say that’s her job. However, they should collect his own personal staffs; his wife should help in this regard at least.
  9. Want to talk. This is so important for women. In the evening is after the work is done, everyone on one side, no sharing, and the woman watch TV, her husband reads the newspaper. How long does it continue? While chatting about home, children, accounts and the others are naturally. But sometimes you get back into the past. Dive into memories, your child's first years of the baby. Make conversations; create an emotional environment so that your ties are strong. Yesterday is past. We live in this moment; they are right who says just trying to earn some money. But don't get stuck with it. You can stand together against life.
  10. Women are more than men, more fragile, more emotional. If we pretend to her as ordinary hurts her a lot. She never forgets that if you do it regularly. Lost her heard and it won’t be easy to get it back. At least give her gifts time to time. Most important is to be remembered. Try to do not forget the special dates. Generally, gentleman forgets. But try not to forget as much as possible.
  11. We do not want to make a distinction in fact what women are expecting in the marriage. Both sides have requests and expectations. The important thing is to take care of them. The behaviours that monotonies and make the marriage ordinary are not single-acting. Need to labour mutually.

As a lady, I take over with the issue of what women want. But I think it is usually men who take marriage away from emotion. Because they lost the spell quickly, they turn into the habit.

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Instead of back into the past, remember the baby period of their children, feel the freshness, create a moment for themselves, they always talk about their jobs, problems, stresses. Of course, we need to talk about those too but not always. Guys, stay away from selfishness. Do not create troublesome accumulations in the soul of women, and then you will never win her heart again.

Long story short, gentlemen, treat your spouse both as your spouse and as your lover. This is a thin line which is very important.

Women always complain about their husbands, who are aggressive and constantly behave. It hurts them a lot. They complain about the gentlemen who are angry and dour or opposite of this who never say anything, do not interfere in anything, say yes to everything.

‘’If you want to, you say whatever you want, wear whatever you want to wear’’, and the gentlemen have been the subject of the complaint. Want to be restricted by a man from time to time, want them to be jealous, want them to feel precious, and want to feel her husband. There is a balance with all of them. If the majority of these or similar expectations of women miss their spouses and they are not fixing it, the woman gets damage inside over time because they are emotional. So they try to explain those to their spouses. On the other hand, it’s disturbing men. Complaining about how much wives are talking.

They thought more it’s capricious, evaluate as grumpy. However, this is the expression of the disappointment of women for years. The most ideal is to take care of from the very beginning.

What Are Men Expectations from Their Wives

Except for love and respect, meeting the mutual expectations and desires of spouses is one of the most important requirements of a strong marriage. Of course, it could be different from person to person. In a marriage, emotional wishes, love and being loved, belonging, feeling self-confidence, apart from these emotional wishes, men's expectations and desires from their wives do not differ very much. Here is what men expectations from their wives are;

Believe In Your Partner's Competence

For all the men, those are so important to protect their wives and take care of them in the best possible way. Because of that, let the husband feel he is enough to take care of your expenses and know that you are supporting him. These give him self-confident and he will try to do his best always.

Be Understanding

In the marriages, one of the most prior behaviours the man expecting his wife is understanding. When you have a chance you can tell him everything is clear or you can show him this with your act. Believe us he’s love to you will get more as much as understanding him and the bond will be stronger.

Appreciate His Success

Most men want them to pretend as a little kid and pat his back every time. Complement to your partner as much as you can and caress his soul. Instead of saying how cute and sweet he is, you’d better try to say how handsome and strong.


Most men get sad and angry If their wives try to change his character. You should realize the only persons’ character you change is yours and accept him as he is. If your husband has a behaviour in a way that you do not approve, try to tell him as sweetly as possible.

Do Not Over-Extend

If there is something you want to talk with your husband but he is so tired of working on a project, postpone the topic to another time or tell him what you want to say shortly and directly. If he wants to have more information about the topic he will be the one who asked questions to you. Long story short is clear and net to him. Extending the talk will do nothing but squeeze your partner and keep you away from listening.

Show Compassion and Attention

Sometimes men are not good at show affection and love but waiting for love and interest from their wives. Hold your husbands’ hand while you are walking and texting him how much you love, make massage to his shoulder, kiss his lips on an unexpected moment. Believe us men also loves romance so these will back to you like love and more interest.

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Do not give negative comments about your husbands’ ideas. Respect his thoughts and do stay away from judging him. Interest the plans he made for you two and look straight to his eyes not around. Ones he understands that you appreciate and respect he will do the same to you.

Let Him Spend His Own Time

Sometimes everyone has a right to be alone, have some space and spend time on my own. If your partner came home earlier then you give him sometimes so he can do something he likes and have some rest. Please let him spend time alone on holidays or weekends so do you. You can even realize the plans you have long dreamed of.

Trust Him

Trust is a touchstone to have a marriage for a long time. If you having hard times trusting him or suspecting there could be something that you won’t like talk with him clearly and as you thinking instead of sneaking behind him. You could also go to family rehabilitations sessions or consulters as professional help.

Be His Companion

When you get married, your partner will not only be your lover but also your best friend and comrade. To keep this for long between you find some activities both will be happy to do together and try to new things to be not a stuck boring moment on your marriage.

Those are the so simple things that men are expecting from the marriage. So we know everything mutual. With love, respect and understanding, it will be easier to overcome all the problems and to keep your marriage continue in the best way.


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