International Wedding Planner in Antalya Turkey #36
Detailed Information for Marriage
Premarital Syndrome
This supposed to be a fairytale. But the only thing you feel is anxiousness and tension. It feels like you have somebody else inside you.
Unique Wedding Ideas
Suggestions For A Different Wedding
Each person’s love is special; this is why everybody wants to have a special wedding on their most important day.
Antalya Is The Best Place For Your Wedding
History Of Antalya
Antalya is one of the most historical place in Turkey. The researches which are made in Karain Cave which is located in 20 km. far away from Antalya and in Toros Mountain’s Mediterranean piedmonts found out that there were Paleolithic settlements.
Love Is The Best Feeling In The World
Definition of Love
Love’s definition can differ from person to person but there is a common side for everyone.
Make Your Dream Marriage True in Antalya
What is marriage? A psychological Analysis
Marriage is accepted as a relationship form which is seen in every culture even if in different styles.
Love...Comes With Best Feelings And Great Sadness
Description of Love
Falling in love is one of the most beautiful feelings that you can feel while you are alive and its recipe can differ from person to person.