Traditional Lebanese Weddings & Official Weddings in Antalya Turkey

Traditional Lebanese Wedding Ceremonies in Antalya, Turkey

Wedding Traditions of Lebanon

There a lot of traditions that practised when a Lebanese bride leaves her family's home. Over time, traditional wedding rituals began to be forgotten. But it is also true that some rituals

continue with renewed vigour and experience a "second Renaissance." Especially in remote areas and villages where still adhere to their traditions. But despite the fact that they are not similar to our traditions, various modern rituals have become more popular today and have taken their place. On the other hand, some modern weddings are also mixed with traditional rituals, which make the wedding more colourful, special and original.lebanese wedding in Antalya


For several years we have witnessed a qualitative change in such weddings in General. Most importantly, some of the elements that dominated in-depth traditions have been discarded in the memories of our ancestors. These rituals, which are part of the Lebanese heritage, have been destroyed by the new wave of modernity. Today's weddings are a compromise between the modern way of life, the desire to represent the West and keep up with the times and preserve their roots, a kind of tribute to the ancestors. This is also clearly seen in the adoption of some of the traditional rituals that we sometimes know as our heritage at some weddings. Some remote villages continue to adhere to Lebanese traditions and customs at weddings.


Speaking to Karin Elian of Independent Arabia, the President Of The Lebanese Society For The History Of Arab Sciences, Joseph Elian, referring to the traditions of weddings, stated that the dowry, previously folded and placed in a valuable wooden box, was delivered to the” bride's house " with the bride, and this dowry included Towels, Sheets, embroidered scarves and a crochet set. Joseph Elian noted that this tradition is gradually changing and completely disappearing in some areas. The official recalled that in some villages the dowry was prepared in advance, with care and taste by the bride's mother, aunt, and delivered to her future home by the groom's family.

Together Until The End…

Dr. Elian also noted that grandparents still maintain the tradition after the wedding in some regions today: "the wedding is over. The bride and groom go home with the invitees. Women sing. The road of the bride and groom showered with flowers. The bride before entering her house, the mother-in-law gives her yeast, money, a grain of wheat and a blue bead attached to the threshold. The bride then enters face-back to show that she will not leave this house until she goes to the grave. She accompanies guests together with the groom. She serves food and drinks. Some citizens go to the bride's house to congratulate her a week after the wedding. As a rule, yeast glued to the doorstep still symbolizes in some regions a good sign, symbolizes fertility in the new home of the newlyweds. The Christian bride after the wedding traditionally does not go anywhere until the Sunday following the wedding”.Destination wedding planner in Antalya

Each Region Has Its Own Unique Customs

Ilyas Musa, the headman of the town of Balat in Jabal-e-Lebanon, touched on some of the traditions observed so far at weddings in some villages in the region. Musa said: "it is customary to invite from the Church to a wedding. The priest announces the date of the wedding and invites everyone to take part in the wedding,” he said. Ilyas Musa said: "in the old days, weddings started in the first days of the week and continued at the request of the groom. If it was middle class, the duration ranged from a week to 10 days. As for the poor, if they do not have the opportunity, the peasants will help each other in spending, and have a decent wedding” "he said.

Crying And Tears

Ilyas Musa, the mayor of the city of Balat, continues:

"Even today, the bride's departure from her parents' home is accompanied by tears. But in the old days, it was customary to take money from the invited before leaving the house. They were collected in a velvet bag of beads and the names of those who had lent money were written, to be returned when the time was right. Today it is no longer there. The mother-in-law, who comes with women from the groom's family, publicly gives gold or diamond set to the bride. When the bride leaves her parents ' house, she accompanied by a crowded procession. Dance the famous debke folk. Women throw flowers and rice. Today, the bride is accompanied by a large wedding cortege; the bride and groom are in a luxurious wedding car decorated with flowers. Today, usually two days before the wedding, a special evening for young girls and women is held, which is attended by the groom with young guys from his family in the middle of the night. But in many regions, a holiday is also held in which women are separated from men.”

The Groom's Answer

According to Ilyas Musa, the next morning at the wedding, the bride's family brought the bride a variety of food, today this tradition no longer exists. The bride and groom away from their homes for some time, are traveling, are on their honeymoon.

Ilyas Musa also said: " Traditionally, in the North, the groom's family visits the bride's family with a pre-wedding visit known as the groom's response. As part of this practice, dance, play debke and demonstrate traditional hospitality. The groom's family intentionally secretly takes 3 things from the house. The bride's mother then checks the house and discovers the missing item. This practice is still present in some villages in Northern Lebanon.Wedding planner in Antalya

There are many traditions associated with weddings. Some of them still exist. I hope they will be implemented again as an important part of our culture They give a special taste to weddings that reflect our traditions.

Wedding Calendar

Traditional wedding calendar among Muslims:

Monday: the night of henna, bath

Tuesday: an evening of bread and kibbeh naye

Wednesday: bride's lunch

Thursday: women's and men's wedding evenings

Friday: wedding and ceremony

For Christians, the celebration begins on Monday, and the wedding is held on Saturday and Sunday.


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