Wedding Dance Ideas for Your Perfect Wedding in Antalya Turkey

Wedding Dance Ideas - Wedding Planner in Turkey Antalya

When To Start Wedding Dance Lesson?

Wedding preparation is as enjoyable as it is tedious and very stressful. Wedding dance preparation is also one of the most important stages of this important day. Such preparation should be crowned with the first dance.

Wedding dance lessons should usually start 1or 1.5 months before the wedding. Ideally conduct 1 course 1 hour a week 1 day a week. It is also important to make the last lesson very close to the wedding. Because the last rehearsal gives a complete preparation and adjustment of the wedding dance. A 1-time rendezvous and a 2-hour Express package also have a pretty life-saving feature. Couples who don't have time often prefer this life-saving package.Wedding dance instructors explain to those preparing for the wedding when to start wedding dance lessons and how flexible the schedule should be. The instructors say that the closer the wedding day, the more stress the bride and groom have, and that going on stage with a dance that is obviously unfinished will make our couple unhappy. For this reason, it is better not to face such a problem as absenteeism, signing up for an early course of wedding dances.Wedding planner in Turkey

A Summer Wedding Or A Winter Wedding?

For those who have not yet decided when to start wedding dance lessons, it is worth considering the concept of summer and winter weddings. Couples who prefer summer weddings can start classes 1 or 2 months before the wedding. But they must act without forgetting the influence of warm weather and choose dances that will not tire themselves too much.And those who are preparing for a winter wedding should be prepared for other difficulties. They should think about to train in the nearest place, be ready for the bad weather and road situation they may encounter in the winter. Breaking lessons’ schedules can lead to an unprepared wedding.

How Difficult Is It?

When you start taking wedding dance lessons, you will find that actually dancing is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So you don't need to sign up for wedding dance months in advance. You can also get a course of more than 2 months of training if you are going to do detailed and complex choreography.

Duration Of Courses Depending On The Type Of Dance

For those who are still just choosing a style of wedding dance, must first decide what type of wedding dance they want to put on stage. The 1-2-month preparation process for each dance may be insufficient or excessive.

Wedding Tango Dance:

If you are wondering when I should take to start wedding tango lessons, your instructors will advise you to devote at least 1 month to dance lessons. Lessons for an hour 1 day a week will be enough to learn tango. At the end of 1 month you can achieve a great choreography. This dance with the magical rhythms of Argentina, sharp steps, hot looks and theatrical rich atmosphere, will please not only you but also all the spectators.

Wedding Dance Waltz:

The term for studying the wedding waltz is also one month, within 1 month you can master this most romantic dance. The waltz, which is also quickly learned by couples due to the fact that it is an easy dance, with its romantic and soft melodies, the waltz is the perfect wedding dance.

Wedding Dance Salsa:

Salsa attracts attention as a dance based on beautiful movements of the hips and waist. Couples who usually can't spend time on a wedding dance may prefer salsa. 2 or 4 hours of training is enough to learn salsa. But just in case it is recommended to start dance training at least 1-1.5 months before your wedding ceremony.Those who wonder "When should I start a wedding dance course" should determine the time to work with their instructors depending on the type of dance they choose, the degree of difficulty of the choreography and the time they can take lessons. Those who want to prepare a charming wedding dance should devote special time to their training…

Classic Wedding Dances: The Waltz And His Music!

The wedding Waltz is known as the most romantic of all wedding dances, with its soft steps, graceful grabs and turns. A wedding dance that perpetuates love between partners, the Waltz is king among wedding dances.The wedding waltz, which suits couples with its nobility and grace as the first dance of a couple, is recommended by almost all dance courses.

How To Dance The Waltz?

The waltz is a dance with a rhythm of 3/4, in contrast to other ballroom dances. In other ballroom dances, the rhythm is usually used in multiples of 2 or 4. The waltzing couple spins gracefully and elegantly around each other. Wedding waltz attracts attention because it is a dance in which couples dance without separating each other, and love is felt in every movement and turn of the dance. The Waltz music and movements show magnificent choreography that demonstrates harmony and unity.Destination wedding in Antalya

Why The Wedding Waltz?

You have dozens of reasons to choose waltz melodies as your first dance music. In addition to being one of the most beautiful dances in the world, it also fits perfectly:

  • If you are a romantic and emotional couple
  • If you like noble and elegant movements
  • If you want to learn to dance easily
  • Your intention to show your love
  • Little time
  • If you want to impress your guests
  • If you like dancing in the hall, such as the wedding waltz
  • If you want to easily convince your partner, you must choose a Waltz.

The music of the waltz and its magical movements will help you merge with your partner on stage, and give your guests a visual feast. Waltz melody can fully convey the love between you.

Waltz Melody

Classic wedding dances, nostalgic waltz music is familiar to all. You can choose your first dance music by viewing your most used and favorite waltz music…It will make you feel like a ball, help you to highlight the beauty of your wedding dress, with the delightful music you will create a special choreography that can make your waltz gorgeous. Start preparing for this special night right now with a waltz wedding dance course

What Is The Best Wedding Dance? How To Choose A Wedding Dance?

One of the topics that are most worried about a couple, is the wedding dance. Couples must choose wedding dance music before deciding on a wedding dance. After that, they consult with the instructors about the type of dance that suits the music they choose. They consult with their instructor about the wedding dance.Dance instructors come up with new choreographies, using one of the known types of dance according to the chosen song or with a completely original production. A special choreography will be prepared for each song and just for your couple. So the only issue couples should be worried about should be music.

The Most Popular Wedding Dances.

Wedding dance is one of those dances that is difficult to fit into any criteria. The music and dancing couples love is best for them. But among the most preferred wedding dances, tango and waltz are the main ones. After that come salsa, bachata, Samba and Rumba.

Among the most popular wedding dances:

  • Waltz
  • Swing
  • Tango
  • Zeibek
  • Sirtaki
  • Cha Cha Cha
  • Salsa
  • Rumba
  • Bachata
  • Rock And Roll
  • Bolero
  • Samba

Are often the preferred dance of the bride and groom.

According To What Criteria Is Selected Wedding Dance?

Recently, special trends have been defined when choosing a wedding dance. Especially:

  • extras in choreography,
  • theatrical dances with groups of friends of the bride and groom,
  • shows accompanied by professional dancers have become popular and fashionable.

Couples have unlimited choices and a variety of choreography for their wedding dances. Thus, we see thousands of hand-picked videos of wedding dances, video lessons.

There are also certain considerations that brides and grooms should consider, such as:

  • The best wedding dance is the dance that best reflects the couple's love. Therefore, the choice of dance, the couples must make a joint decision.
  • The most favorite music should be preferred when choosing a wedding dance. The question whether it is possible to dance should be in the background.
  • You can choose the type of dance with the most famous choreography. Videos that are liked before training can be shown to the instructor. Similar choreographies can be created with the best wedding dance videos.
  • Choosing a good dance course also determines the quality of the dance. So you need to study in the best dance course in the city.
  • It is necessary to start training according to the complexity of the dance. 1 - 2 months may not be enough for complex choreographies. 1.5 months will be enough for the most preferred wedding tango and waltz.
  • A dance that is suitable for both must be chosen. Not everyone has the talent to dance.
  • A dance style that expresses love and harmony between couples should be chosen. An unrelated kind of dance can ruin a wedding. The best wedding dance is one that can reflect love in the eyes of couples.
  • Preferences can also be made according to the culture and tastes of the families. Dances such as Zeybek, will be interesting.
  • It is also necessary to see the halls of the dance course. You can't train in a place where you're not comfortable.
  • The experience and approach of the instructor is also important. A coach who does not have the necessary qualifications and does not understand the essence of his work can harm the production.

Is It Necessary To Train For Wedding Dances? How Should We Prepare For The Dance?

Wedding dance is one of the most important moments of the wedding. While some couples begin to prepare for the wedding dance that almost every couple performs today, some of them decide to improvise. So, do you need to train for wedding dances? What happens if you don't take dance lessons? How to prepare for a good dance? How to choose a wedding dance course? The answer to these questions we give on our page?

  • What is a wedding dance?

Although there is no such type of dance as wedding dance in literature, the special dances performed at a wedding are called wedding dances. This phrase, used to attract couples to dance courses who want to dance at a wedding, has become a must for weddings these days. By learning one of the existing dances, you show at your wedding enough to show that you have done the wedding dance.

  • Is it necessary to train for the wedding dance?

Wedding dance training is now a trend. Couples who want to start their wedding with an impressive opening may want to train for a wedding dance. It is also possible to determine whether to train according to the selected song. Training in waltz, tango and salsa may be necessary, while there is no need to train for dances such as the usual pair dance.For Latin dances, waltz, tango, Zaybek and salsa, which are among the dances that will be ideal for the first dance, a good coach is needed.

  • How long do you prepare for the wedding dance?

One of the topics that couples are most interested in is how long it takes to prepare for the wedding dance. Couples with plenty of time can start preparing for a wedding dance lesson 2 months in advance. 1 hour 1 day a week will be enough for training. But for complex choreographies, this period can vary. In addition, those who do not have time can also get the necessary wedding dance training with a quick 3-4 hour training.

Luxury wedding in Antalya Turkey

  • What kind of music can be chosen for the wedding dance?

The wedding dance can be staged with almost any music that the couple likes. Preparing the choreography will also be easy for the beginner, as the song chosen by the bride and groom will best tell about the love and relationship between the couples. But if there is no such music, it would be wise to prefer slow rhythmic dances such as tango and waltz. You can dance as you like with moving or slow music. During wedding dance training, your wishes for your instructor should be paramount.

  • What wedding dances do you need to train for?

You can train for each genre you choose as a wedding dance. Although a wedding dance lesson is not very necessary for local dances, it will be necessary to be trained in bachata, Samba, salsa, waltz and tango. Learning the Rumba, twist, cha cha cha and slow dance will also allow you to demonstrate a flawless first dance.

  • How to make an effective introduction to wedding dance?

Those who want to have a spectacular start to the wedding dance should first of all choose well the music with which they will enter the hall. Music that will delight everyone will also create excitement for your dance. When you start your wedding dance, turn your steps towards each other in the middle of the track and start your dance. This introduction will be very effective. If you have a specific choreography but stick to it, your instructor will set up a suitable introduction for you.

  • What should pay attention to the bride and groom in the wedding dance?

One of the biggest mistakes in wedding dance is that couples stay away from each other so as not to step on the wedding dress. But the distance of proximity of couples should correspond to the chosen dance. A couple standing at a distance from each other, performing a waltz and tango, will not create a beautiful image.Dancing with slow music will always be more comfortable. When a man dances, he should move backwards and not go for the bride, but not too far. In addition, a man should not take big steps forward, otherwise it is inevitable to step on the wedding dress.One of the topics that should be considered in the wedding dance is the position of the bride and groom. The groom, standing at a distance, should firmly hold the bride from the shoulder blade with his right hand, so as not to step on the wedding dress after moving to the center of the strip. It is important that the hand that grasps the bride's hand is also at a close distance from shoulder level. The pose of the bride and groom will seem natural when there is enough practice during the wedding dance lessons.

  • What shapes should the bride and groom avoid?

Every movement that forces one to step on the wedding dress is unpleasant in the wedding dance. This condition can cause the bride to lose her balance and fall. You need to stay away from sharp turns and fast figures.Wedding dance training may be required depending on the couple's ability to dance, harmony with each other, and the concept of the wedding. It is important that every couple wishing to make a beautiful introduction to the wedding, entertain their guests, show the love between them, take wedding dance lessons…

How To Make A Wedding Dance? - The Simplest Wedding Dances

One of the biggest vanities that surrounds couples as the wedding day approaches is the first dance. How to enter the hall with a wedding dance is one of those details that is difficult to solve. Wedding invitations, wedding venue, wedding menu to be provided to guests, wedding table, wedding staff, wedding dress and suit of the groom, decorations, can take a lot of time, which will not be enough for the wedding dance. With the easiest wedding dances couples can get rid of this problem.For the opening of the wedding will be enough romantic dance with classical and elementary movements. But couples who want to impress with their wedding dance and want to turn their dance into a great show should start their wedding dance lessons at least 1 month in advance.

How Is The Wedding Dance Performed?

"I can't dance, I've never danced before and so I'm very ashamed, I'm excited" are the most frequent fears of a young couple, if you say "I can't dance" you're wrong. Wedding dance, perhaps, will be the easiest training in your life. Wedding dance course will allow you to prepare a special choreography and you will easily demonstrate this choreography.If you are wondering how to make a wedding dance, you can first view the wedding dance videos posted on the Internet. If these dances interest you and you have convinced your partner, you can immediately knock on the door of the wedding dance course and start classes.If you haven't chosen the music for your first dance, you can get recommendations from your instructor. You can choose wedding songs that have been classics for years, or love songs that have been a hit of the year. Your choice of song will determine your choreography. If you don't have dancing skills, your instructor will create choreography for you with easy steps. If you can dance, you can also choose more complex choreographies.

The Easiest Wedding Dances

The easiest wedding dances are the rescue of couples who do not have time or have difficulty dancing. Those who want to prepare a beautiful dance in a short time can prepare a dance that will appeal to their guests by choosing easy dances.

Classic But Irreplaceable

Among the simplest wedding dances, the classic takes first place. Ideal for romantic and emotional couples, these dances are easy to learn due to the lightness of their basic figures and the recognizability of their melodies.

Among the light dances, such wedding dances as:

Romantic wedding in Antalya

  • Tango
  • Waltz
  • Rumba
  • Swing.

With passionate looks, harmonious turns and classic wedding dances performed with a romantic atmosphere, couples are freed from the tedious process of preparation. It turns out a natural and fascinating choreography.

Animated And Fun Dances

If you are one of those who want the wedding dance to be agile, easy and fun, such fun dances are for you. Among the wedding dances that are among the easiest wedding dances or easily teachable with the help of an instructor:

  • Salsa
  • Samba
  • Cha Cha Cha
  • Rock And Roll
  • Hip hop and R & B

Choosing one of these wedding dances, you can delight the whole room and cheer up your guests. You can even let all guests take part in the choreography.

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