Fear of marriage exists in many who are preparing for marriage

To overcome fear marriage you need increase person's self-esteem

Fear of marriage: Gamophobia what is it?

Gamophobia (don’t confuse with homophobia) is fear of relationships and responsibilities to a partner which leads to fear of marriage.

Let’s talk about reasons of this frightening.

Fear of marriage (gamophobia) is fear which occurs as a result of negative emotions experiences in his parent family

or negative examples of unsuccessful marriages have seen in his environment. It’s some sort of psychological fear to become attached to somebody and lose independency and fear of depending on the relationships. Scaring of the life which depends on other person, the need to care for and patronize of another person pushes some people to single life.Happy wedding in Antalya

The people who grew up in different cultures and families who took so distinct upbringings don’t want to go into such a very serious venture as a marriage. To take responsibilities for other person is not simple matter. Because, if you got married you cannot afford to live thinking only yourself and ignore your partner wishes. Now you should think plural and move forward as “We”. Sometimes you should be altruistic and make corrections in your acts.

Reasons of a marriage fear

A family and environment can become the reason of this fear. The unhappiness of the parent’s family, permanent quarrels can cause the fear. Also, constantly conflicting marriage couples in our environment can be cause of staying away from marriage life. The person feels contradictions and thinks that his unity certainly will be unsuccessful one. He rejects the marriage and by the time interest to this theme disappears. People who live alone for a long time may also have difficulty accepting life with another person and avoid marriage.

Fear of marriage also can be observed in children from happy families. A child who grew up in a happy family is in a perfectionist mood and expects it from the opposite side. He begins to think that even in the smallest disputes that he experiences in his relationship, he develops an attitude that his union will not be as happy as his parents'. In other words, being too perfectionist can also cause this fear. The difficulty of divorce due to family and social pressure is also one of the reasons preventing marriage. When people get married, they think they can't get divorced again, no matter what. In addition, engagement, the traditional practice of wedding ceremonies, and the stress they cause can also turn a person away from marriage.

The thought of finding an even better partner also makes marriage difficult. An attitude to a partner with the idea that I will find even better in economic, cultural, and educational terms can, after a while, make a person a chronic bachelor. The fear of becoming henpecked, the need to contribute together to many household chores, when entering into marriage, especially if the wife works, the duty to share of all works in the kitchen and cleaning, can also cause fear of marriage. It may be more tempting for them to live freely and comfortably in their mother's home.

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Some people also think that during the marriage process, their life will gradually become routine and become monotonous. In addition to what we call the family responsibility of being a mother and father, trying to offer life to an unborn child can also distract a person from marriage who is thinking about marriage.

People who have narcissistic personality disorder-people who pose a high risk for marriage can present big problems in their marriage. Marriages with this type of people, who are selfish, highly narcissistic, do not like to share, always carry a risk. Marriages of people with a social adjustment disorder or asocial personality disorder usually lead to divorce if one of the spouses is not very altruistic.

Encouraging young people with asocial or antisocial personality disorder to marry thinking "if he marries, he will get better, their temperament will improve" can make the opposite side a victim.

People who avoid marriage avoid long-term unions because they are afraid of being bound. He believes that living alone is the right way to live. He wants to meet more people who are single and lead a bachelor lifestyle. He's too perfectionist. They may have selfish approaches.

To overcome the fear of marriage, a person must also rely on himself; learn to rely on other people. It needs to move away from the partisan approach, to be altruistic. He must learn to share in marriage, to stay away from selfishness. He should literally think about what he expects from the right relationship. An organized, disciplined, and decent life is one of the keys to personal success. Basically, this is possible in marriage. The family is the smallest unit of society. A healthy society composed of healthy families. Healthy marriages are the strongest dynamics of society. Therefore, you should not avoid psychological support if it is necessary to be able to live a regular, successful life and a healthy, long-term relationship.

What Situations Cause Fear Of Marriage?

Fear and anxiety about marriage can be seen in many men and women who are preparing to build their nest. Getting help from a specialist when needed is crucial for a happy marriage...

Marriage is about understanding yourself, understanding your partner, solving problems, and being able to accept differences. People who primarily think about marriage should be Mature, be able to make their own decisions, push away from their family on this new path that they have chosen, individualize and fulfill their responsibilities. A person who can't achieve this is on a level that can't handle the difficulties of marriage and life and, and so people have a fear of marriage. The main reason for fear of marriage is the fear of taking responsibility for real life. Fear in some people is caused by the negative marital life they see in their families.official wedding in Antalya Turkey

Fear of marriage in men and women occurs when a person begins to feel pressure on the family and the environment, when a certain age period comes. Men and women experience marital stress differently. The man said, " can I take care of my wife and children? Will I be able to fulfill their wishes? Can I be a good wife and a good father to them? with such questions, there is a stress factor, and a man is afraid to get married. And women say, " Will he treat me well? Will I be abused? Will my husband cheat on me? Can I be friends with my husband's mother?' questions create stress.

Fear Of The First Night In Marriage

Fear of the first night of marriage prevails among spouses, especially women. At the same time, sexual problems and problems become an obstacle to marriage. The appearance of many sexual problems, such as feeling unprepared and insecure, and the fear of not being able to satisfy your partner, also pushes people away from marriage. Many people who want to avoid marriage are also justified by sexual fears. Since sexual problems are psychological, professional help may also be needed.

It is also important that spouses who are getting married decide for themselves the problems they will experience before marriage. If people have problems communicating, the first thing they should do is learn each other's language and learn to empathize. Good communication language is a big factor in solving problems. People who experience trusting relationships and support from their partner feel more confident and relaxed.

Spouses should be careful not to harm or offend each other, respect each other, and take care of each other. Being married is important both from the point of view of a person's mental health and from the point of view of the relationship of the spouses.

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