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Marriage Excitement in Sagalassos Antonina Fountain - Special tourism news

Gulseren Ozdemir, general manager of international wedding operator Wedding City Antalya company, mentioned that they are trying to open the Sagalassos Antonina Ancient City which impresses the visitors for wedding tourism.

International wedding operator Wedding City Antalya which come into prominence with its projects to inspire wedding tourism in Antalya, state that they are making introduce studies in world market for Antonina Fountain in Sagalassos Ancient city to make wedding tourism there.

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Gulseren Ozdemir who contributes the introduction of the region before with marriage ceremonies in Demre Santa Claus Church said that:

‘’Sagalassos Antonina Fountain is one of our projects to bring foreigners to say yes to their loved ones for a life time. Our foreign partner companies started to introduce our company and wedding packages. We made introductions to all these companies and tour firms for this project. Now all our partner companies are introducing and selling our wedding package for Antonina Love Fountain. We made 297 Commonwealth of Independent States Countries and 253 international wedding organization companies accept wedding tourism in Antalya after our negotiations. We made them realize our city’s qualifications except sun, sand and sea and we featured Antalya’s natural beauties and rich historical inheritances.

I hope tourism sector will realize soon that wedding tourism has a big share in the future market. We need to create and introduce projects which will attract the people who are thinking destination weddings. Greece, South Cyprus, Spain, Dubai, Egypt, Brazil, Maldives, Haiti, Hawaii, Far East, Italy are the countries which have a big share in the wedding tourism market, so we think why Turkey is not in these countries?’’

Sagalassos Antonini Love Fountain in Burdur Turkey

Sagalassos Ancient City which is located in Burdur, Ağlasun region took a place in history as the favorite city of the emperors. Sagalassos city was clearly the most important city in the Roman Empire era and it is located in 1700 meters higher than the sea level. In Sagalassos Ancient City there is a fountain called Antonina which was built in Rome Emperor Marcus Aurelius era and it was built as a indicator of Roman Empire’s prestige.

In this Ancient City the buildings which are coming to the forefront are Roman baths, heroon, church, temples and theatres. You may see the historical monuments in Burdur Archeology Museum which is rewarded as ‘’worth seeing museum’’ with its 60.000 works.

Antonina Fountain is 28 meters long and 9 meters tall. The fountain reflects the qualifications of its era and it is reconstructed with bringing 3500 pieces together. Afterwards it is brought in tourism with president Ertuğrul Günay.

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Ozdemir emphasizes that Antonina Fountain has a great importance for tourism and Sagalassos is in the first place of the World Cultural Heritage list. Sagalassos Ancient City and Antonina Fountain are one of the favorite ancient cities in the world. Sagalassos Ancient City can have the capacity to compete with Ephesus and if it is introduced well, this incredible ancient city’s visitors will increase and it will also be the new ‘Love Fountain’ for the couples who are coming from all around the world.

Wedding City Antalya company organizes a wedding festival every year. They became a first and did a wedding festival in Saint Nicholaus Church on 6 and 19th December and repeats every year this tradition with another concept. Now they are preparing to offer another project to wedding tourism. They got a special permission from Burdur Tourism Ministry and give a chance to the wedding couples to say yes to each other in front of the Antonina Fountain.

After the ceremony bride and groom will release white doves as a symbol of happiness and throw a coin to the love fountain as a symbol of luck. Gulseren Ozdemir said that ‘’Antonina Fountain is the competitor of the Love Fountain in Rome and we have departed on this way to introduce this fountain to all the young couples who will get married. I hope in a short while we will have a worldwide known historical love fountain.’’

Evaluation of the Management of Burdur Culture and Tourism Manager

‘’Burdur, the capital of the Teke Region’’ is a rich city in terms of archeological data. It has more than 25 ancient cities, caravanserais, lakes and it affects visitors with its natural beauties. Sagalassos Ancient City and Antonina Fountain are the most favorite historical places in Burdur. If it is introduces well, we believe that the visitors and followers of this ancient city will increase and it becomes the focus of interest of the culture tourism inquisitives.

Antonina Fountain, which is one of the best protected historical works in Asia will host the wedding couples from all around the world for their marriage ceremonies.

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