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Traditional Indian Weddings In Antalya

Themed Traditional Indian Wedding In Antalya Turkey

Indian Wedding Destination Antalya - Special Tourism News

Gulseren Ozdemir, general manager of international wedding operator Wedding City Antalya Company said that they worked so hard and after these studies wedding partners in India started to introduce the new and very powerful destination Antalya on their web page and inform Indians about the Antalya destination.

Ozdemir also said that ‘’India citizens are now requesting Antalya as a destination option to get married from the Indian wedding operators and it is a new trend to get married in Antalya for young Indian couples who are going to get married.’’

International wedding operator Wedding City Antalya company support Antalya’s introduction with their studies on ‘’wedding tourism in Antalya.’’ Gulseren Ozdemir, the general manager of the company mentioned that they make Antalya one of the most important destinations in the world in wedding tourism.

indian weddings

Wedding Organizer Company Wedding City Antalya, which works on researches and developments for ‘’wedding torism’’ for a long time, tries to introduce Antalya with reaching the partner companies which are organizing destination weddings all around the world. Wedding City Antalya Company mixes different traditional cultures with Turkish culture and hosts wedding couples to organize their civil marriage and wedding ceremonies. General Manager of the wedding city Antalya Company Gulseren Ozdemir who stated that they realize the importance of wedding tourism in India by research and development studies they have made since 2015.

‘’We have reached 250 Indian wedding operator company owners which offers Far East, Sri Lanka and Dubai destinations for weddings. We learned Indian wedding culture and prepared special wedding packages for them in 4 years. Our wedding partner companies in India started to introduce the powerful and brand new destination Antalya on their web page and inform Indian society about this destination with different studies. Indian people request Antalya as an option for wedding destination from Indian wedding operators.’’

Ozdemir also mentioned that Wedding City Antalya’s services which continue with 10 worldwide brand hotel collaboration are getting attention especially for the prices however they can not evaluate these options as a reason of flight problems.

On 2016, even though the orders from Russia, Commonwealth Of Independent States, UK and other European countries decrease and even stop, the orders for civil marriage and traditional wedding ceremonies from India, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates increased so much.

Ozdemir said that ‘’Traditional weddings in India and Pakistan lasts for 2 or 4 days. They request different decorations and entertainment for every ceremony on every day. These wedding groups enable revenues for different kind of labor groups in the city. From florist to decorator, lots of different kind of service sector can take advantage of these weddings which lasts 3-5 days. If there will be direct flights, we believe that organizations will increase.’’

Connecting Flights Can Be Deterrent

The wedding groups who come for ‘’wedding tourism’’ between 200 to 500 people request direct flights instead of connecting flights for the new wedding destination Antalya. Unfortunately connecting flights are deterrent for Indian Wedding groups as they are coming to Antalya with crowded groups. Wedding owners prefer to go less tiring countries as long distance flights are both expensive and tiring moreover with connecting flights these features are doubled. Wedding City Antalya offers best prices and wedding projects to Indian groups with their solution partners and worldwide brand hotel partners and ing Indian wedding groups confirm the services and prices, however due to the connecting flights they cannot come to Antalya.

Wedding groups usually come as 200-500 people with accommodation. They request to have their traditional weddings as they wish with 3-5 days accommodation. These weddings are much more different than we used to, Indian wedding groups request different fresh flowers, fabrics and special designs for each day for their traditional weddings in Antalya.

Special Wedding Packages for Traditional Indian Weddings

Gulseren Ozdemir, general manager of Wedding City Antalya, mentioned that; ‘’Usually the budget for 200 wedding guests differs between 100-250 thousand USD. This number can change according to the requests, wedding date and number of the guests. Of course it is certain that the cost will increase according to the expectations on service and guest quantity. Culture and Tourism Ministry and Governorship works on introducing Antalya to the wedding operators in India which are good at their sector. Our kind request from the Ministry is to have a charter or direct flight options from countries which have great opportunity for wedding tourism like India or Pakistan to Antalya. In this way these labor can evaluate and our city can develop much faster on wedding tourism. As international wedding operators and wedding hotels we all are ready and we have all the knowledge about these alternative tourism sector. We will be waiting the support of our government for this alternative tourism sector which lasts 12 months as tourism companies.

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Weddings In Antalya

International wedding operator Wedding City Antalya hosted 4 Indian wedding operator companies in Antalya with its project partners.

General Manager of Wedding City Antalya wedding operator Company said that they miss 400-500 people wedding groups just because there is no direct flights from India and Pakistan. The introduce tour which is prepared by Wedding City Antalya consist of not only hotels, but also old town of Antalya, Antalya aquarium and Olympus cable way.

‘’We improve ourselves with the friendship we built with our Indian wedding partners in India Wedding Market and tried to understand what Indian wedding groups expect from us. Wedding is very important for Indian and Pakistani people who are very interested in traditional themed weddings which last for 4 days. Everyone do their best in proportion as their budget for their children’s wedding. Indian wedding operators are very surprised with very colorful and diverse wedding packages and venues we offer when they come to Antalya. They get excited when they see Olympus Cable way, Aquarium and Club Arma at yacht harbor.

Indian Weddings

Ozdemir stated that if there will be support from Culture and Tourism Ministry and Ministry of Transportation there will be a great opportunity for Indian and Pakistani wedding tourism to increase. Ozdemir continues with saying that ‘’there is an obstacle for the market to grow. Antalya is a brand new destination for these wedding groups. Wedding groups wants to flight directly to Antalya, they do not want connecting flights. Since they come with very crowded groups, unfortunately connecting flights are not acceptable for them usually. They do not venture the negativities that can happen with their special wedding clothes or wedding materials. This is why we lose 400-500 people. India-Antalya destination is already very far and expensive, and with connecting flights this distance and cost double. This is why wedding groups usually prefer to go to less tiring countries.’’

indian marriage in antalya

Wedding Tourism in Antalya

‘’We have successful connections with more than 250 wedding operator in India. We create a wedding service team with our wedding partner hotels and tour companies. We are hosting with all our means the wedding operators which come from India with our solution partners as an international wedding operator. To develop this market, wedding tourism also should be added to the tourism introducing studies which are made for golf tourism or health tourism. Wedding tourism has high added value and lasts 12 months, it is an alternative tourism type which give job opportunities to people from different jobs.

As an international wedding operator, our company Wedding City Antalya’s aim is to reach more wedding groups with offering wedding and accommodation prices for each kind of budget. Indian wedding groups get really economical offers from Thailand and Sri Lanka and since they are closer to India lots of wedding groups prefer to go that countries. For VIP Indian wedding groups, there is Dubai. Many Indian wedding operators have an office in Dubai. Indian Wedding market’s route is already determined. Only few markets get their own share from this market. ‘’

Traditional Weddings in Antalya

‘’We are aiming to have our share from this market with offering the best prices and service with our solution partners. We have been preparing strategies and projects with our partners for this new wedding market with using our research and developments.’’ Ozdemir also stated that ‘’wedding operator company owners filled with admiration to the hotels in Antalya. They got really excited when they see our wedding partner hotels and the historical places in Antalya. They mentioned that they can make colorful weddings in Antalya.’’

‘’Indian wedding season is usually the spring and autumn. We should develop Indian and Pakistani markets in terms of wedding tourism because they give a chance to have tourism in all months. We get contact in more than 250 wedding operator in India. They keep saying that the main problem is connecting flights. We have made introduction in different countries for years with support of Culture and Tourism Ministry and we are aware of that Antalya has greater chance than its competitors with its natural beauties.

Wedding tourism brought a new breathe to Antalya. Indian wedding couples create great budgets for their weddings. These kinds of tourists are leaving much more money to the country than the tourists who are coming from sea, sun and sand. Wedding guests are making advertisement of our city when they go back to their country and tell everything about the wedding. They also share their pictures on social media and support the introduction of Antalya.’’

Gulseren Ozdemir, general manager of the international wedding operator Wedding City Antalya said to an AA correspondent that after the research and development studies they have made for 3 years in India wedding market, Wedding City Antalya Company is a company which is known in this country for Indian wedding tourism and act as an arbiter about Indian weddings.

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