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Themed Weddings at Olympos Mountain Antalya

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Marriage Tourism Thema in Antalya

Interesting Slogan in Europa, CIS and Russian Countries :“Marry in Olympos Mountain where Zeus Declare his love to Hera” Special Tourism News…

International Wedding company “Wedding City Antalya” made an agreement with European, C.I.S and Russian compaies, start a slogan “marry in olympos mountain where Zeus declare his love to Hera”Wedding City Antalya General Manager Gülseren Özdemir declare to AA correspondent “ 2 years before we have started a to diversify Marriage Tourism in Antalya, we cover a long distance on our study. In the mystery of ancient cities in Antalya like Saint Nicolas museum at the same place where Zeus declare his love to Hera at 2346 meter from sealevel. We started a campaign “ merry in Tahtalı mountain at Olympos” and most of the people Show great interest this slogan.

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Gülseren Özdemir claims that ; To spread the tourism 12 months one of the most important trump is mariage tourism. Developed countries Marriage Organization firms and travel agents said that married couples prefer to go Malta, Jamaica, Venezia, Paris, Spain, Greece and Sri Lanka for marriage. Özdemir declare that ,this countries and cities introduce themselves to the world for marriage tourism. Also Turkey has many adventages like historical heritage according to the other countries , the cities and countries for marriage and honeymoon. Demre Saint Nicolas church, Myra theater, Olympos beach, Çıralı Yanartaş (Firestone), Olympos cableway at 2346 meters altitude in Tahtalı mountain, Side Apollo temple, Side Aqueduct with historical site and mythological history of 11 civilization; if we introduce with Scenic beauty and historical stories the feedback of this step will be more efficient. We made an agreement with Marriage firms in many countries andstarted to promote Antalya to effective in Europa.

Wedding City Antalya company made an agreement with USA, Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Hungry, and England Marriage Organizators to bring the Marriage Tourism in to the front . And Özdemir continiue :Our abroad partners have begun to advice the couple to merry, priceless historical sites and the beuty nature of Antalya. Marriage tourism is new and good alternative tourism option. We have started to make a campaign with 5 star hotels,domestic and foreign Tourism Agents to catch the attention. We plan to make a presentation in 2018 foreign market. Mariage tourism campaign will be Turkish, English and Russian.

Wedding city Antalya company prepeare a Project and civil marriageat Olympos Cableway in Tahtalı mountain 2346 meter altitude inside Olympos National Park. We started to make a campaign for Bride and Groom in , October , November and December for 4 days and 5 nights at Tekirova Limak Limra hotel.

Wedding City Antalya General Manager Gülseren Özdemir, Turkey is the 7th place for Marriage Tourism around the World.Özdemir make a statement to AA correspondent , 2 years before we started to make Turkey’s name to the World with Marriage Tourism. Özdemir Said that “ Europa, Russia and CIS made international marriage tourism with hundreds of companies , Turkey has a little space but among these countries.” Turkey come to forefront with slogan “Merry Incableway where Zeus declare his love to Hera at Historical and Mythological Olympos Mountain.

Especially in Russian Marriage Tourism Companies started to prefer Turkish firms , Russian most popular magazine company "www. wedding-magazine. ru"decleare on their website “ After this promotion slogan Turkey rised 7th rank among Marriage Tourism Contries.” Özdemir declared.

Gülseren Özdemir ,gave the following information : Right now ,We are among 150 Marriage tourism companies list. We encounter a great demand from Russia who want to get merried in Antalya and Turkey. Because Antalya has a historical and natural beauties besides these features there are lots of 5 star hotels. For this reason, Lots of Russian wants to merry in Antalya. Our target is to make 100 wedding from C.I.S. andRussia.Especially our slogan “Merry in Olympos where Zeus declare his love to Hera” rises Turkey for Wedding tourism 7th rank among this sector in the World. We are expecting a blowing up in this area for European countries. We have databanks in Europe, Russia, CIS countries, and Kazakhstan for marriage tourism companies.

In previous year Turkey was not among Wedding Operators , But now Wedding City Antalya push Turkey and Antalya through among Internatinonal Wedding Operators and special databanks. We take part as Turkish firm, Wedding City Antalya on world market databanks .Özdemir emphasized that they prepared suitable options for every part of range group in their wedding packages and stated that there are marriage options starting from thousand five hundred dollars to 50 thousand dollars. “We have 50 different Wedding package for foreign visitors who want to merry in Antalya” We bring the Natural, Historical and Archaeological sites love stories into the forefront . Turkey become the 7th rank for Marriage Tourism all around the World.

According to the information given by Özdemir, One of the most important Russian Wedding Tourism web site "www."claims that among the most popular 10 countries where marriage tourism will be held ranked here:Italy (Como lake) , Greece (Santorini), Serbia (Lovcen Mountain) , Slovenia (Bled lake) USA( great Canyon) , Czech Republic (Vrtbovskiy Garden) Turkey (Olympos Mountain) , Southern Side of Cyprus (Pafos) , Italy (Verona) and France (Blue coast)

Marriage in the Peak area at dawn

Russian couple wedding ceremony was held at 2346 meter altitude at mythologic Tahtalı Mountain while watching the sunrise.

Alex Tsemik , 36 years old who lives in moscow work in a company as a techinical manager and Anna Minyaeva 33 years old fall in l

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ove in each other in their country.They wanted to make a different wedding ceremony , so they decided to choose at mythologic Tahtalı Mountain Where Zeus and Hira love witnessed and merry here.

Young couple made an agreement with International Wedding Operator Wedding City Antalya , Tsemik and Minyaeva families and with invitees group came to Antalya. Bride and Groom stayed different hotels. They left the hotels before sunrises with their families and invitees group,so they reached the edge 2346 meter altitude with Cableway inside the Olympos National Park.Young couple watched the sunrise andcelebrate their wedding while strike the shampagne bottle. After They cut their wedding cake. They wanted to make a different wedding ceremony and Wedding City Antalya offer lots of alternatives so we choosed this one.

The Russian couple said that “We liked the photograph of Olympos Mountain very much and we were enchanted by seeing this mountain where witnessed the love of Zeus and Hera.

Wedding City Antalya general manager Gülseren Özdemir said that “ We bring Lots of Tourist from Russia and Europa to within the the scope of diversificate the Tourism for Marriage, birthdays and Anniversary to Saint Nicolas and other historical heritages .
We merry the youth of today where witnessed the love of Zeus and Hera at the top of Olympos mountain with new concept. A bride and groom pass through in the 21th century from themythologic Olympos mountain where hosted the love of Gods. Anna from Petersburn and Alex From Moscow to immortalise their love at Tahtalı Mountain (Olympos) .

Brides From Different Countries makes different colours in Antalya Tourism

Marriage Tourism becoming more popular day by day in the World and growing faster in Turkey too. One of theAlternative options In the context of Marriage tourism Kazak couple Valeriy He ve Swetlana Li prefer to merry in Antalya . Young Couple came to Antalya with 100 guests and with their families ; through International Wedding operator Wedding City Antalya. They getmarried by saying "yes" to each other with the marriage ceremony held on the beach like their dreams.


Young couple fly White dove and guests throw the rose leafs to them ; and they have their first dance on the beach. And they had fun hours and hours on the special wooden jetty just for them. Groom Valeriy He decleare to AA correspondent” Antalya is one of the best cities who has good sea and coasts. We have searched lots of countries and cities but we were amazed .“ We made our imaginary dream wedding in Antalya with Wedding city Antalya firm. We are so happy and we plan to come here for holidays.International Wedding operator Wedding City Antalya general manager Gülseren Özdemir said that to AA correspondent “With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for 5 years in various countries of the world, we have done publicity and infrastructure studies.

Gülseren Özdemir declare that “ We made an agreeement more that 1000 tourism agents . Antalya has more adventages with natural beauty according to the other cities for Wedding Marriage and young couples prefer to merry in Antalya for imaginary dream wedding”Gülseren Özdemir pay attention to “ Marriage Tourism is really good alternative to Antalya which squeeze to Sea, Sun and Beach. Marriage oturism bring a breath of fresh air. We have huge demand from Europa, Iranian, Russia and Kazakstan. Couples budget huge prices for Wedding Ceremony. Tourist bring more foreign currency with these sector. This will be the advertisement of Antalya because married couples hide this framed Wedding photos for ever.’’

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