Trust Is The Most Important Thing In A Marriage

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Confidence crisis and skepticism in relationships

In relations between peoplewhen one person is sure of all aspects about another person, we call it a sense of trust, and when this sense of trust is mutual, it’s calledtrust relationship.

The trust relationship is based on honesty,consistency and loyalty in human relationships, and it’s reflected in the healthy continuation of these relationships throughout life.There is no doubt that people need confidence and trust environment.The way to share something as a partner, as a friend, as a neighbor, as a relative, is healthy and long-lasting.Trust does not occur in relationships by itself.

Honesty occurs over time as a result of consistency and faithfulness. Whatever relationship is, it has to go through a trust test process and reinforce itself in this way.

Today, there is a widespread problem of trust in all areas of human relations. As a matter of fact, it’s obvious that the trust bond between our people has been weakened and we have become a society that cannot trust each other.What is bad here is that insecurity,in other words skepticism,is reflected in peer-to-peer relationships, Male-to-female relationships, and domestic relationships.It’s a fact that all these areas of relationship are in need of trust and cannot lead to insecurity.Though the increasing moral erosion in recent years,the pervasive lie-telling behavior, and sadly increasing deceit in a way leads to deterioration of the relationships in general.

It should be known that there is a trust relationship at the top of relations.Because if there is no trust, there can be neither love nor respect. It’s impossible to think that a relationship without love and respect is healthy and long-term.The source of trust in all human relations is honesty and consistency,and the reason for insecurity is lies and inconsistencies.In male and female relationships, a sense of responsibility and loyalty are added to this.Today, we are experiencing the biggest depression in Turkey in male and female relationships and marriages.If we do not count the effects of the familyorigin, then marriages the problems of honesty,consistency, sense of responsibility and damage of loyalty, which nourish mutual trust at the source of troubles, stand out.

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In fact, every healthy relationship needs trust that is nourished by these virtues, and it’s clear that every relationship that is not nourished by these virtues will be shaken in terms of confidence over time.

Some people ask for trust that they do not deserve by saying "trust me" even though they behave in a shaky way,and others do not reflect their trust in their relationship because they have a problem of skepticism.In fact, both are unhealthy.Because trust does not descend from the sky,it appears as a result of attitudes and behavior, and no one can say "trust me" like he orders to anyone.However, there are those who are insecure in their relationship, even though they do not behave in a way that will create insecurity.The basis of this insecurity is another personality that we call "skepticism." disorder plays a role in the problem.It’s important to know that a skepticism that has exceeded the normal level is not a healthy situation and it’s inevitable, this lack will be reflected in relationships ashealthless.The fact that even a reliable person is doubted is not a situation that can ultimately be tolerated by human beings.If the level of suspicion is above normal, it’s indicative of a psychological problem and requires an expert's help.

Love and respect are of course important especially in male and female relationships and marriages, but it should not be forgotten that trust is the relationship that secures them.

Therefore, it’s very important that the parties are honest with each other,show themselves as they are, and are consistent when relationships begin.Because one of the reasons for the trust problems that arise in relationships is lack or wrong introduction.As a matter of fact,some people introduce themselves as they should be, not as they are, for a fear of losing themselves with women and men.But tomorrow,when the truth is revealed, no one can hide this truth for a lifetime, which causes loss of confidence of their partner and in the relationship.Also, there is a reason for trust in relationships, keeping promises is very important.For this reason, promises should be kept and fulfilled.

Another important trust issue in relationships is related to cheating issues.You know, every sex partner expects loyalty.Marriage in particular means the choice of a monogamous way of life.Therefore, if such a relationship is established loyalty is not only to a partner, but also a debt to the established relationship.If someone is not able to fulfill this, not be able to live in a monogamous marriage, such a person should not build marriage relationships and should not cause pain to another person.It should not be forgotten that increasing deceit nowadays has led to the end of many marriages.

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There are also people who have no reason to suspect their partner in relations.In the emergence of this skepticism, there are usually two factors.The first one is disappointment experienced before and traumatic effect on left. The second one, because of some problems experienced in development of personality, a person's sense of trust is not developed enough.In both cases, no matter how reliable a person is, such people may have a syndrome of suspicion.

There are a lot of people who don’t know how to get rid of it.The feeling of doubt we are talking about here is that it becomes an attack,it becomes uncontrolled in relationships and it leads to problems of confidence without reason.It’s obvious that this situation is not very healthy.It should not be forgotten that there is a crisis of trust that stems from the reflection of insecurity that occurs after a trauma in another relationship and the lack of confidence in the process of personality development.

A psychological therapy is needed to solve such problems.Because skepticism is a sensational psychological problem that comes about as a result of something not sitting right and triggering some of the experiences.Panic disorder is characterized by intense fear of being alone or in a situation that is difficult to control. For this reason, it’s of great benefit to solve these problems without turning into some mental illnesses.Moreover, it’s necessary for healthy life and life relationships to be able to continue.

Ultimately, all relationships in the relationship the trust relationship insurance,you should know that with a duration of trust by being trustworthy,reliably behave, we need to know to trust you too.

As a result, we need to know that trust is the insurance of all the relationships, trustworthiness by trusting, confidence in trustworthiness. There are many different types of personality disorders.If your partner is trustworthy,but has doubts, you should know that this is caused by a psychological problem, and you should seek psychological support in order not to wear himself or his relationship any longer.

It should not be forgotten that being reliable and trust is a guarantee of being happy in a person's life and being able to feel peace.Let's be safe and secure.If we have problems in this direction, let's get psychological support and let's not tire ourselves and our relationship any more.With love...

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