International Wedding Planner in Antalya Turkey #27
Requested Documents To Marry in a Foreign Country
In today’s worlds, the number of Turkish people who want to marry in foreign countries increases day by day. They want to arrange their weddings ceremony in a different tradition, in exotic places with their close friends and families.
Can everyone marry in foreign countries?
Foreign Marriage in Turkey Antalya - Requested Documents
Requested Documents For Foreıgners To Marry in Turkey
You have seen a lot, and searched a lot but you could not find someone for you. The person you were looking for came into your life in an unexpected moment.Everything is fine until now; the person you will marry has a foreign nationality. He or she is not a Turkish citizen. Well, what are the procedures in this situation!
Dream Indian Weddings in Antalya Turkey
Indian Weddings in Antalya Turkey
Weddings in India differ according to a region, preferences of brides and grooms as well as religious. If you have not participated in Indian weddings before, get excited! Here, you can find a lot of Indian wedding traditions and rituals.
Wedding Invitations
It is a card of inviting your relatives and friends for your wedding ceremony.
Foreign Civil Marriage in Turkey Antalya
The marriage of Two Foreigners In Turkey
As a foreign nationality can marry a Turkish nationality, couples who have foreign nationalities (same or different nationality) can marry in Turkey. If a Turkish citizen marries a foreign nationality, the marriage should be held by the Turkish government. The article number 13 of 5718 International Private Law and Procedural Law “Marriage and General Conclusion” mentions that in order to marry in Turkey, both parties should have the “affidavit of eligibility to marry document”. This document is given by the governments of the original nationalities.
Requested Documents for Foreign Civil Marriage in Antalya
Requested Process for Civil Marriage in Antalya Turkey
What is the earliest time for marriage?
Men or women cannot marry if they are not seventeen. People who are seventeen years old can marry with the approval of their legal guardians. However, a judge can approve marriage of people who are sixteen years old. If it is possible he listens to the mother or father or legal guardian of applicants.
Rituels Of Indian Weddings Are The Attention Center Of The World
Wedding and Marriage Rituals in India
INDIA became a colony of many countries since it has lots of underground beauties. Hindu people remained under the pressure of Muslims, Christians etc. In their country, that’s why in a multicultural country like this, wedding traditions become more variable and rich. Three cities named as Delhi-Agra-Jaipur are a combination of so many different countries. Everything can be very interesting for you.