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Civil Marriage at the Mediterranean Coast

Historic Wedding Venues in Antalya

We met with Deborah and Colin on 2 October 2019 by a wedding order that came to our firm.

Unfortunately, we had to postpone the wedding due to Covid-19.

Finally, we were able to organize the official marriage and ceremony of Deborah & Colin in Antalya.

We got Deborah & Colin married at the most exclusive venue in Antalya, Club Arma Restaurant with an amazing wedding

The children and grandchildren of this beautiful couple had never left them on this beautiful night. They had amazing fun together.

The beautiful had all the night to the fullest, had so much fun, and shared their love.

I and my team worked very hard to make them happy. Seeing them happy made us very happy.

We were honoured to have the opportunity to make this couple’s dream come true after waiting for their wedding for years.

We hope we get to marry their grandchildren as well.

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