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Civil Marriage at Historical Castle in Antalya

Official Marriage in Historical Castle in Antalya, Turkey

We organized the official marriage of Karen and Robert on 24/06/2022 at Kaleiçi Marina Boutique Hotel located in Historical Castle Kaleiçi in Antalya, Turkey.

Our firm Wedding City Antalya has prepared the wedding decorations with great care and the magnificent view of Kaleiçi Maria has given the wedding another meaning.

Dear Karen, the bride told us that they have been together for 39 years and they have prepared for marriage twice and they couldn’t do the ceremony within that time, was incredibly gracious and elegant. Her powder pink dress looked amazing on her. Robert was the most handsome groom at his 62.

Karen and Robert had a beautiful, exemplary family and to do their civil wedding in Antalya made me and my team very happy.

Our international wedding planning company has married lots of couples in Antalya. We have unique memories with each couple.

We shared beautiful memories with Karen, Robert, and their family.

We are very happy to know them.

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