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Sonja And Stefan German Wedding in Antalya

German wedding in antalya

Proud of to be Wedding Planner of most cheerful couple Sonja & Stefan and organise their German official marriage in Antalya. They came to Turkey for their wedding with their family and close friends. They have had fun during the Wedding Ceremony and wedding reception.

We organize official German wedding in Antalya Turkey with all the official paperwork & whole ceremony packages for wedding couples. As an International Wedding Planner in Antalya - Turkey, we are able to provide all the wedding services like International & Traditional wedding planning, wedding decorations, civil marriage services with official paperwork done.

Sonja & Stefan German wedding in Antalya Turkey is organized at one of our best wedding partner hotel in Kemer. We organized a German official wedding ceremony on the beach in Kemer-Antalya.

Their ceremony is prepared on the beach with decorated Altar and special wedding decorations. They said '' YES '' to each other in the most romantic ambience while the waves were reaching to the coast. All of their wedding guests witnessed this magical moment and they made ''Toast'' to celebrate this beautiful moment.

They also had a wedding dinner reception after the civil marriage ceremony on the beach. Bridal table at the wedding is specially decorated for the wedding couple. All the tables were decorated with fresh flowers and wedding accessories. Special glass vases are placed on the tables & even floating candles were placed in the vases to make the night much more romantic.

Couples and guests had a great wedding dinner reception at the wedding. They enjoyed all the moment with music during the night. They had their first dance and wedding cake ceremony at the A'la Carte restaurant of the hotel with a great wedding decoration made by Wedding City Antalya.

Our professional wedding videographer recorded all night for the wedding couple. When Sonja & Stefan would watch their beautiful wedding video even after years, they will feel the same excitement.

Entrust your dreams to us for your perfect wedding in Turkey.

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